
Warning of Imminent Famine in Gaza: Children Facing Severe Malnutrition Crisis

Summary [Swyddogion y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn rhybuddio am newyn sydd ar fin digwydd yng ngogledd Gaza]Karl Skow, deputy executive director of the World Food Programme, warned on February 27, local time, that famine is imminent in northern Gaza and said that the level of malnutrition among children in the Gaza Strip is the highest in […]

The new plastic restriction system is about to hit the road. Bamboo City Government: Beverage shops will ban plastic single-use drinking cups from October 1st – Life – Liberty Times Newsletter

The new plastic restriction system is about to hit the road. The Hsinchu City Government stated that plastic single-use beverage cups will be banned in beverage stores from October 1. It has gone to the store to promote and ask the industry to cooperate in the implementation. (Provided by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hsinchu […]