
Unveiling VASA-1: The AI Model Transforming Still Images into Realistic Videos

Researchers at tech giant Microsoft have revealed an artificial intelligence (AI) model called VASA-1 that can change the stationary hole. Whether it is a photograph of a human, a cartoon, or any other work of art, it can be transformed into a stunning video. However, the release of this work There were also responses expressing […]

TikTok’s Latest Innovation: AI-Powered Voice Cloning Feature in Development

TikTok is developing an AI-powered voice cloning feature. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Mobile media Phone Arena reported on the 20th (local time) that TikTok is developing a feature to replicate the user’s voice using artificial intelligence (AI). This feature allows users to record their voice and the AI ​​creates a synthetic voice that imitates the […]

Microsoft Introduces Vasa-1: New AI System Creates Realistic Videos from Single Photos

Vasa-1 (Photo = YouTube) Microsoft (MS) has introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that can create realistic videos of people talking, gesturing and moving from a single photo. Venture Beat reported on the 18th (local time) that Google unveiled a new AI framework called “VASA-1”. According to this, when Vasa-1 provides a still image […]

Verification of fake news ‘tweezers’… KISO strengthens response to false information based on deep fakes

Korea Internet Self-Governing Organization (KISO) CI. [사진=KISO] The Korea Internet Self-Government Organization (KISO) has begun discussions to respond to ‘false and manipulated information created by deepfakes’, which has recently emerged as a social issue. According to KISO on the 16th, KISO’s New Technology Committee shared the status of member companies’ response to the misuse of […]

The Rise of AI Anchors and the Challenges of AI Misuse in China

◀ Anchor ▶ In China, artificial intelligence and AI anchors make news during the Lunar New Year holiday, which is the biggest holiday, and it becomes a hot topic. China has been promoting the development of AI technology with the goal of becoming number one in the world by 2030. As technology grows, so do […]

The Resurrection of Suharto: How Deepfake AI is Shaping Indonesian Politics

Appearance of the General “Suharto” who came to help campaign for the Golkhar Party In Indonesia’s presidential election tomorrow (February 14), it has caused a stir from many sides and has become famous news around the world. The interest lies not only in the fact that Suharto was a famous dictator who ruled the country […]

Beware of Deepfake Scams: Employee Falls Victim to $25 Million Fraud

A company employee had a video call with the head of finance. who asked to transfer more than 900 million baht, but this boss was a fake created by Deepfake technology. Technology continues to develop as well as make people’s lives more convenient. It has also led to scammers becoming increasingly skilled at deceiving people. […]

Global pop star Taylor Swift also fell victim to ‘deepfake’: Donga Science

American pop star Taylor Swift. Provided by Wikimedia Pornography that synthesized the face of world-famous pop star Taylor Swift using deepfake technology is spreading through social networking services (SNS), causing a huge stir in American society. A White House spokesperson said on the 28th (local time), “This is an incident that should sound a wake-up […]