
Cancer threatens King Charles’ future role after 70 years of holding the title of “heir”

Under the title “King Charles’ cancer diagnosis casts doubt on his future role,” the British newspaper “The Guardian” said that Buckingham Palace’s announcement of King Charles’ illness was surprising, especially after the king appeared outside a private clinic on Monday alongside Queen Camilla, smiling in a message stating that The king is strong and will […]

He really doesn’t deserve this! All the dirt and…

The death of Princess Diana shook the world. And although it has been decades since she passed away, her final resting place looks quite decrepit. However, the latest news also brings shocking information that her remains should not be there at all. today 10:56 Discussion () Share the article

Diana Stratto-Dudik: Chasing Dreams in Figure Skating at 40

Added female pair skater Diana: Chasing dreams again in her 40s Beijing Evening News Reporter: Wang Xiaoxiao and Liu Ping For female figure skaters, reaching the age of 40 is often seen as a barrier, but Canadian pairs skater Deanna Stratto-Dudik is challenging that notion. At 40 years old, she believes that “age doesn’t matter, […]