
Court of Auditors criticizes Turkish EU aid for refugees

Brussels has promised Turkey six billion euros through a refugee pact. Could people’s lives improve as a result of the funding? According to the European Court of Auditors, EU aid worth billions for refugees in Turkey is not sustainable. It is unclear whether the financed projects will continue after the funding expires, according to a […]

Donations from Saudi Aramco employees enhance the charitable impact in our community

Throughout the history of Saudi Aramco, humanitarian and community work has remained at the forefront of the values ​​that the company embodies in its various business areas, as it exerts its energy for the sake of the individual and his communities, whether throughout our beloved country or at the global level, through its presence in […]

Labor lawyer finds Würth’s election recommendation harmless

Entrepreneurs warn against the AfD, a doctor does not want to treat members: Dealing with the party in everyday life is controversial. A lawyer explains which measures are permitted in the work context. t-online: The entrepreneur Reinhold Würth warns his employees not to vote for the AfD: Can an employer make a voting recommendation to […]

Healthy Eating Strategies for Office Workers: Breakfast Tips and Calorie Reduction

Healthy eating method for office workers to have breakfast and reduce calories Posted on 03/20/2024 10.03pm Posted on 03/20/2024 10.03pm Modified on 03/20/2024 5.40pm Views 0 Living socially, you are more likely to be exposed to high-calorie meals through company dinners and frequent dining out rather than home-cooked meals. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Living socially, you are more likely […]

This is how Heil wants to secure his pension – but there is a problem

Good morning, dear reader, Anyone who sends a package to make someone happy usually shows a certain degree of care. Ultimately, the recipient should like the contents and the packaging should be able to withstand one or two shocks. This applies in private life as well as to legal packages that should be well thought […]

Robert Habeck (Greens) on Correctiv research: “The plans are disgusting”

Journalists have recently uncovered right-wing extremist plans for the mass deportation of migrants. The Vice Chancellor calls for the consequences to be made clear. Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) warns urgently about the consequences after the revelations by “Correctiv” about right-wing extremist plans for mass deportations of migrants. “These plans are not only disgusting, but […]

“You devalue the young”

Is the end of the meritocracy imminent? Historian Nina Verheyen explains why a look at the beginning of the debate can help. Performance has become a kind of fighting term. Some believe that Germany has forgotten it and is therefore plunging into crisis. The others advocate a new understanding of performance because the current one […]

Javier Milei: From rock singer and goalkeeper to president

Argentina’s newly elected head of state is an eccentric. During the election campaign, the economist repeatedly appeared with a running chainsaw. His most important companions: his sister and his cloned dogs. Javier Milei is planning nothing less than a revolution. In the midst of a severe economic crisis, Argentina’s future president wants to turn things […]