
Health Network》Sweat glands have a warming effect and there are 5 ways to improve the odor caused by sweating – Free Health Network

Doctors pointed out that for sweating problems, attention should be paid to keeping the armpits fresh, or antiperspirants, deodorants and other products can be used to temporarily eliminate sweating and odor problems; the picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from freepik) Luo Bi/Copy Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Many people believe that well-developed sweat glands are […]

Health Network》Women are more likely to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Doctors call on men to be considerate! – Free Health Network

Some studies have pointed out that women are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder due to hormonal effects. (Picture taken from freepik) Ye Libin/Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]If male readers often feel that they are being nagged and meddlesome by the women around them, please understand and cooperate with us to improve! Huang Xuan, a thoracic and critical […]

Scraping the Bones of Chinese Football: Tackling Corruption for Healthy Development

Original title: Scraping bones to cure poison and allow Chinese football to develop healthily Recently, a feature film focusing on a series of corruption cases in the football field exposed for the first time the systematic and corrupt corruption in the Chinese football field. China’s football betting scandals, which bear the high expectations of the […]

The Rise of NISA Savings Accounts Among Young Adults

As people in their 20s and 30s work from home and change their lifestyle due to the spread of the coronavirus, there has been a sharp increase in the number of young people in their 20s and 30s opening NISA savings accounts. The new NISA will start in 2024. In this series, we will provide […]

The New NISA: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing and Asset Building

As people in their 20s and 30s work from home and change their lifestyle due to the spread of the coronavirus, there has been a sharp increase in the number of young people in their 20s and 30s opening NISA savings accounts. The new NISA will start in 2024. In this series, we will provide […]

Health Network》Finally “Jujube” is here for you!Agri-Food and Food Department: Candied dates are yellow and green with different sweetness – Free Health Network

The Agriculture and Food Administration pointed out that candied dates are rich in water and rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, niacin, folic acid, potassium and other nutrients. In addition to being eaten fresh, they can also be made into juice, preserves, vinegar, etc. The picture is a schematic diagram. (Picture taken from freepik) Ye Libin/Editor […]

Uncovering the Secrets to Success with Bestselling Author Hiroyuki

“Don’t you get nervous talking to people?” said Hiroyuki, who has become very popular throughout Japan. In his masterpieces, “1% Effort” and “99% Bias,” which have sold over 500,000 copies, he reveals the “secret to success” and talks seriously about “How can we have influence?’ ‘ We asked him about the “best way to deal […]

Why Holding Back a Sneeze Can Be Harmful or Fatal

Stop Holding in That Sneeze—It Could Save Your Life Many of us may have experienced holding back a sneeze (or sneezing with our mouth closed) for various reasons. However, doctors are now warning that the practice can be harmful or even fatal. The smart thing to do is to sneeze when you have to! Tracheal […]

The Importance of Sneezing: Why You Should Never Hold Back a Sneeze

Protect Your Health: Don’t Stifle Your Sneeze! Don’t Stifle Your Sneeze – It Could Be Harmful or Fatal A Warning from Medical Professionals Many of us may have experienced holding back a sneeze (or sneezing with our mouth closed) for various reasons. However, doctors are now warning that the practice can be harmful or even […]