
The Surprising Effect of Predator Deaths on Lake Ecosystems: A Nature Highlight

Nature highlights February 8, 2024Nature 626, 7998 The cover image depicts the mass fish kill in Lake Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. Although these events are occurring more and more, the impact of predator deaths on food webs is not fully understood. S Tye and colleagues now show, somewhat counterintuitively, that mass mortality of predators in […]

Discovering “Apatosaurus Disease” and Other Fossil Finds

Apatosaurus Knee Joint Disease Uncovered by Researchers A recent discovery by researchers has shed light on a previously unknown disease affecting the knee joint of the Apatosaurus dinosaur. When a femur specimen was excavated from the Morrison Formation in Wyoming, it was found to have internal erosion lesions on the lateral condyle and lateral epicondyle. […]

Discovering Apatosaur Disease and Other Paleontological Studies

Sauropod Pathology Reveals Insight into Prehistoric Healing A recent excavation of an Apatosaurus femur specimen from the Morrison Formation in Wyoming (fossil number: UWGM 7213) has uncovered surprising evidence of health issues in these ancient giants. The specimen exhibited lesions in the lateral condyle and lateral epicondyle, suggesting that the Apatosaurus suffered from a knee […]

Scientists Develop Soft Robot Modeled After Ancient Echinoderms for Biomechanical Study

Carnegie Mellon University School of Engineering Professor Carmel Majidi and research teams from Spain and Poland have developed a groundbreaking robotic system that draws inspiration from ancient paleo animals. The team’s creation is a soft robot modeled after echinoderms, marine creatures that thrived during the Paleozoic Era approximately 450 million years ago. This remarkable achievement […]

Oldest Newly Discovered Plesiosaur Sheds Light on Ancient Marine Reptiles

Newly Discovered Ancient Sea Predator Sheds Light on Early Plesiosaurs A recent scientific report unveils the fascinating world of a newly discovered dinosaur, Lorainosaurus, believed to have lived during the Jurassic period about 170 million years ago. With its imposing 5.7-meter long body, this predator sported a short neck, a formidable skull, a streamlined torpedo-shaped […]

Oldest Newly Discovered Plesiosaur Unveiled: Meet Lorainosaurus

Oldest Plesiosaur Discovered: Introducing Lorainosaurus An extraordinary finding in the field of paleontology has recently been published in Scientific Reports. Researchers have unveiled the oldest known plesiosaur, a marine dinosaur named Lorainosaurus, which existed during the Jurassic period approximately 170 million years ago. With a remarkable body length of 5.7 meters, this formidable predator possessed […]

Yucatán: They find an offering of 16 pre-Hispanic knives in Kulubá

Mexican archaeologists discovered an offering of 16 flint and obsidian knives in the pre-Hispanic city of Kulubá, in the state of Yucatannear a sacrificial altar. “The offering was found on the platform of the semi-subterranean deposits that is part of the central square of Kulubá, which belongs to the municipality of Tizimín,” Alfredo Barrera Rubio, […]