
The Importance of Managing Gastritis: Risks, Symptoms, and Prevention

Gastritis is also called “stomach cold”. It is so called because it is as common as the common cold. In fact, according to data from the National Health Insurance Corporation, the number of gastritis sufferers in Korea will reach 5.1 million in 2022. There are also statistics showing that 1 in 10 Koreans suffer from […]

Intermittent Fasting: A Powerful Tool for Weight Loss and Liver Health – Study Finds

ㅣGerman Center for Cancer Research and Research Group of the University of Tübingen, mouse experimentㅣ5:2 Intermittent fasting is effective in reducing weight and preventing hepatitis and liver cancer.ㅣIt is effective in the treatment of steatohepatitis related to metabolic abnormalities Research findings have shown that 5:2 intermittent fasting, which involves not starving yourself for two days […]

Understanding Bronchitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Herbal Remedies

Director of medical reporter Hidoc Seo Hyo-seok | Bronchitis literally means that the bronchial mucosa is infected with viruses or bacteria. If bacteria or viruses enter the airways and cough and sputum persist long after catching a cold, the bacteria can enter the bronchi and cause bronchitis. At this time, the human body warms up […]

Understanding Stroke: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment Options

Medical journalist Hidoc, editor Lim Seon-kyungㅣSource: Hidoc You may have heard about the disease called “stroke” in various media such as TV programs. Stroke is a disease whose Chinese character literally means “struck by the wind.” It is named so because, just as trees snap and fall when the wind blows hard, people also experience […]

Ancient Grains like Oats: A Healthful Addition to Diabetic Diets

ㅣThe research team from the University of Florence, Italy, examined 29 studies and meta-analyzed 13 studies on 1,809 peopleㅣDiabetics should include ancient grains in their diet to stay healthyㅣIn particular, the health-improving effect of oats is clear Research has shown that consuming ancient grains like oats helps manage the health of diabetic patients. The results […]

The Surprising Health Benefits of Vinegar: From Weight Loss to Cancer Prevention

Vinegar, which boasts a sour taste, is a food discovered accidentally during the alcohol fermentation process. Vinegar is very useful for our health. Acetic acid, one of the main components of vinegar, sterilizes and detoxifies the body, and the organic acids rich in vinegar help prevent various chronic diseases. Learn more about the other benefits […]