
The Interconnection of Diet, Emotions, and Beliefs: A Nutritionist’s Perspective

The Impact of Diet on Emotions and Beliefs By Zhi Jing, Health Nutritionist It is widely known that “diet” plays a crucial role in our daily lives. However, the connection between diet and its influence on our emotions and beliefs is often underestimated. As a health nutritionist, I firmly believe that the impact of diet […]

The Impact of Diet on Emotions and Beliefs: Insights from a Health Nutritionist

The Impact of Diet on Emotions and Beliefs By Zhi Jing, Health Nutritionist As a health nutritionist, I have always believed that the connection between diet and our emotional and mental well-being is a crucial aspect of overall health. The nutrients and ingredients in the food we consume play a significant role in not just […]

The Influence of Time Pressure in Zombie Games: Implications for Disaster Scenarios

The Intriguing Science of Zombie Games: What It Reveals About Human Behavior Zombie-themed computer games have become increasingly popular in recent years. One particular escape game has piqued the interest of scientists, shedding light on human behavior and decision-making under pressure. The game involves participants navigating through a large house, equipped with an electronic light […]

Understanding Substance Use Disorder and Personal Reflections on Recent Events

Understanding Substance Use Disorder By: Professional Journalist After the recent incident of a well-known YouTube personality smoking marijuana in Taiwan, the apology video that followed was quite thought-provoking. This article will provide an introduction to substance use disorder and share personal reflections based on current events. Substance Use Disorder, as defined in DSM-5, refers to […]

The Complexity of Personality: Beyond Introvert and Extrovert

Personality Types: The Complexity Beyond Introverts and Extroverts In recent years, terms like introvert and extrovert have gained popularity as labels to describe personality traits. These terms broadly categorize individuals based on their social preferences, with introverts tending to avoid socializing and extroverts thriving in social settings. While these definitions have been around since the […]

Iran Misuses Psychiatry to Enforce Hijab Law, Raises Concerns of Justice and Control

Iranian Authorities Misusing Psychiatry to Enforce Hijab Law, Critics Warn Health organizations have voiced concerns over Iran’s judicial system misusing psychiatric medication and disregarding psychiatric principles. This practice is seen as a reflection of the government’s failure to effectively enforce the mandatory hijab law, resulting in a compromised sense of justice. The protest against Iran’s […]

Understanding CPTSD: The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma and its Impact on Relationships

Handbook of Trauma Therapy Allie Schwartz Just Published Understanding Complex Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (CPTSD) CPTSD, a long-term traumatic stress disorder, is often caused by childhood neglect or emotional abuse. While memories may not be clear, the emotional impact remains significant. This disorder is divided into three main types: avoidant, intrusive, and melancholic. In the […]

Unveiling the Various Singing Habits at KTV: Unexpected Fun and Psychological Insights

Going to KTV can be a fun and interesting experience. Observing other people’s singing habits can provide unexpected enjoyment. During my years as a corporate consultant, I have noticed a fascinating phenomenon. After a long day of work, tired employees often choose to unwind at KTV by singing to release stress. As a frequent consultant […]

Unveiling the Truth About Frenemies: The Unlikely Combination of Friend and Enemy

The Dual Nature of Frenemies: A Complex Relationship Forming and maintaining friendships is an integral part of human existence. Friends play a crucial role in the development of social, professional, and mental skills. However, not all friendships are genuine and supportive. Introducing a less explored aspect of friendship, known as the “Frenemy”, where good intentions […]