
[글로벌] 12 trillion won James Webb Space Telescope collides with a micrometeoroid

/Photo = Provided by D-Minute It is known that the ‘James Webb Space Telescope’, which has not even entered into full-scale observation, recently collided with a small-sized micrometeoroid. A micrometeoroid is a rock mass smaller than a grain of sand about 1 mm in size orbiting in the solar system. The collision with micrometeoroids scattered […]

The JWST camera has reached its station at location L2.

Reporters reported that Page NARIT National Astronomical Research Institute Published an article by Dr. Tiphon Tangmatitham – Academician of Astronomy. National Astronomical Research Institute stated that on January 25, 2022 at 2:05 am Thailand time James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has successfully entered orbit at point L2 This is the last step and the end […]

[아주 돋보기] ‘Hubble’s 100x Performance’ James Webb Unearthed Space Secrets

The ‘James Webb Space Telescope’ successfully separated from the rocket “How was the universe born?” “Are there any exoplanets inhabited by life?” Humanity is one step closer to a mystery that has been unsolved for a long time. This is because the largest and most powerful ‘James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)’ in human history left […]

[자막뉴스] Observe the end of the universe… ‘James Webb’ What’s the future?

The ‘James Webb’ space telescope, which is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Telescope, is mounted on the Ariane 5 rocket and soars into space. [美 항공우주국 TV / 발사 중계 장면 : 제임스 웹(우주망원경)이 우주 탄생의 과거로 향하는 여정을 시작했습니다.] Then, in 27 minutes, the fairing covering the telescope and the rocket separation […]

The James Webb Space Telescope sets off from Earth.

The James Webb Space Telescope is set to take off from Earth in an orbit about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, marking a new era in the study of the universe. On December 25, 2021, an Ariane 5 rocket takes off from a launch pad in French Guiana. Northeast of South America to bring the […]