
[과학핫이슈]Secret Dangers Hiding in the Sunlight – E-Newspaper

There is always danger lurking in the dark. To recognize danger in advance, human beings instinctively have a sense of crisis and are alert for beings that will become dangers in the dark. However, it is difficult to gain this awareness of the danger of going secret by hiding behind bright sunlight. Such an existence […]

The James Webb Space Telescope has released a rare image of Jupiter’s rings.

On the night of July 12, 2022, in addition to “James Webb Space Telescope” The first five photographs of the galaxy cluster have been opened. But one more thing the team has released is the “Characterization of JWST science performance from commissioning” report, which summarizes the results of the process. commissioning that installs and tests […]

[글로벌] 12 trillion won James Webb Space Telescope collides with a micrometeoroid

/Photo = Provided by D-Minute It is known that the ‘James Webb Space Telescope’, which has not even entered into full-scale observation, recently collided with a small-sized micrometeoroid. A micrometeoroid is a rock mass smaller than a grain of sand about 1 mm in size orbiting in the solar system. The collision with micrometeoroids scattered […]