
比 Tiguan 大一號並採 7 äººåº§é… ç½®ï¼ ç¦ æ–¯å…¨æ–°æˆ°ç•¥ä¼’æ—… Tayron 測 è©¦è»Šç ¾èº«

隨蒗新一代 Volkswagen Tiguan ç™¼è¡¨ï¼Œé ŽåŽ» 5+2 äººåº§çš„è¡ ç”Ÿ Allspace è»Šåž‹å »ä¸¦æœªè·Ÿé€ ²ï¼ŒåŽŸå» 將以全新戰略車款 Tayron ä¼’æ—…å –ä»£ï¼Œè¿’æ—¥æ¸¬è©¦è»Šé ¦–åº¦ç ¾èº«ï¼Œå’Œä¸åœ‹ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„ Tayron å®Œå…¨ä¸ å Œï¼Œæ“ æœ‰æ›´é•·çš„è»Šèº«ä»¥å Šç• ¥ç‚ºæ–¹æ£çš„輪廓。 Volkswagen 全新 7 人座伒旅戰略車 Tayron 展開測試,但é å°¾ä» ä»¥è²¼ç´™é €²è¡Œå ½è£ 。 æ ¹æ“šå¤–åª’æ‹ æ” åˆ°å…¨æ–° Volkswagen Tayron 的測試車,車é ä» ä»¥è²¼ç´™é€²è¡Œå ½è£ ï¼Œå› æ¤ç„¡æ³•åˆ¤æ–·æ˜¯å ¦å’Œ Tiguan æŽ¡ç”¨ç›¸å Œè¨è¨ˆèªžå½™ï¼Œä½†å¾žæ•´é«”è¼ªå»“èƒ½ç ™¼ç ¾å¾Œæ–¹æ˜Žé¡¯åŠ é•·ï¼Œä¸¦ä¸”æŽ¡ç”¨è¼ƒç‚ºåž‚ç›´çš„è»Šå°¾å¸ƒå±€ï¼Œä»¥ç¢ºä¿ […]

Cupra Terrama: A New SUV with Power and Style

▲ Terrama spy shot Cupra, a sub-brand of Spanish carmaker SEAT, is planning to launch an SUV called “Tiguan with teeth”. The two new cars prepared by SEAT are the Tavascan, a slightly more macho reinterpretation of the Volkswagen ID.4 electric SUV, and the other is the Terrama SUV, previewed at the Unstoppable Impulse event […]

Volkswagen’s main SUV Tiguan major facelift interior first exposure!There is a large-size central control screen and the rear compartment can be more loaded-Free Electronic News Auto Channel

After first revealing the camouflaged appearance of the big facelift Tiguan prototype car, the original Volkswagen factory recently revealed the interior design of the new car, introducing a new generation of driving interface with digital instruments and a large-size central control screen, which will provide more intuitive and convenient technology Operating experience. Volkswagen revealed the […]