
Health Network》Regain the quality of life after gout and use traditional Chinese medicine to help reduce attacks – Free Health Network

Doctors said that in addition to taking uric acid-lowering drugs, people with gout can also come to traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning to improve the internal environment and reduce the occurrence of gout. The picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from shutterstock) Shen Lixin/Review Editor [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Gout is arthritis caused by abnormal uric acid […]

Health Network》2 things to overcome after a cold can be considered recovery. Traditional Chinese medicine looks at “cough that is not healed” – Free Health Network

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors mentioned that after a cold, two things, “positive deficiency” and “remaining evil”, must be overcome to truly recover; the situational photo, the person in the picture has nothing to do with this article. (Picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]You must have encountered relatives, friends or yourself who have had a […]