
Choco Cloud Kids Closure Leaves Hundreds of Customers in the Lurch

Choco Cloud Kids, which specializes in buying baby’s daily necessities, recently announced its closure, and the incident is expected to affect more than a thousand people., a customer who has been helping the store for many years, said she made several purchases on the company’s website from January to March this year, but the […]

Spring Rain and Yellow Dust Weather Update: Meteorological Center Report

◀ Again ▶ The spring rains, which started mainly in the metropolitan area, will spread throughout the country throughout the day. They say there is a possibility of yellow dust mixed in with it. Let’s connect to the weather center to find out more details. Please tell Caster Geum Chae-rim. ◀ Meteorological ▶ Today spring […]

[날씨] Spring equinox, chilly even during the day‥strong coastal winds

The cold spring of the spring equinox has arrived. It looks like it will be chilly during the day today as well. The daytime temperature will stay at 9 degrees in Seoul and 10 degrees in Gwangju. A strong wind warning has been issued for the southern coast, and winds will be very strong along […]

Weather warnings tomorrow in Egypt…rain and thunder now in the governorates (video)

The weather condition is now witnessing rains of varying intensity, sometimes accompanied by thunder, in a number of governorates, coinciding with the sun’s great radiance. Temperatures have now dropped in most areas and cold weather has prevailed. Below we review the weather condition now and the weather forecast for tomorrow, Tuesday, and a statement of […]