
Taiwanese-American Golfer Wins US PGA Championship: Meet Shoffley

Picture/Dazhi Picture Reuters

The winner of the US PGA Championship has been introduced. Now 30 years previous, he’s really half Taiwanese.

Picture/Dazhi Picture Reuters

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At this second when he caught Birdy with the final putt on the 18th gap, American golfer “Shoffley” obtained cheers and applause from the viewers.

Shoffley raised his fingers to welcome the enjoyment of victory.

Shaw holds his Asian spouse, Maya, in his arms In truth, Shaw himself is of Asian descent and half Taiwanese.

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Taiwanese-American golfer Xiao Foley: “I used to be overcome with emotion after I made the final putt. (Successful the championship) means so much to me. My spouse and brother are round me, and my buddies even got here from York Simply to see). me.”

The 30-year-old Xiao Fuli usually posts selfies along with his mom on IG His mom’s title is Chen Bingyi She is a Taiwanese who grew up in Japan, so Xiao Fuli’s Chinese language title is rather like his surname mom, Chen Shanda. Shoffley’s father is of blended German and French descent.

Taiwanese-American golfer Xiao Foley: “My mother went again house to San Diego, and my dad was in Hawaii. I known as him, however I needed to grasp up the telephone quickly as a result of my dad began making me cry.”

Shoffley’s {golfing} genes are inherited from his father.

The Taiwanese-American golfer Schiff towards his father: “Hey, hey, Schiff, what are you doing, you understand you tousled, haha, okay.”

He was humorous educating his son to swing in entrance of the digital camera. Three years in the past, Shawley gained the gold medal on the Tokyo Olympics.

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