
Taiwan’s No. 1 in the meta universe!Netizens squandered 20 million Taiwan dollars to buy virtual land and hung the national flag | TechOrange

Since Facebook announced its name change to “Meta” (Meta) in November, the world has started a meta-universe boom. The future of major industries will be virtual predictions, giving investors full confidence in digital real estate, and they have invested tens of millions of dollars in digital real estate. In such a highly competitive “house speculation fever”, a closer look reveals a familiar picture on the map of The Sandbox.

Yes, you read that right, that isThe blue sky that you and I are most familiar with is red on the ground.

This netizen who loves Taiwan not only set the account name to Taiwan1 in The Sandbox, but even bought two 3×3 lands with the same national flag.

Calculating from the price of nearby land, the current “land price” of this size is at least 100 ether(About more than ten million Taiwan dollars), which means that the current price of the two “Taiwan no. 1” is approximately equal to more than 20 million Taiwan dollars!

Although I don’t know who this netizen is, the world can also “see Taiwan” on Sandbox.

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The current development is relatively mature Sandbox and Decentraland are virtual worlds built on the Ethereum blockchain, Major investment companies have rushed to buy land, and large companies such as Microsoft and Disney are also the first to enter the virtual world to “occupy land.”

Not only the Caribbean island country Barbados announced plans to open the “Meta Universe Embassy” in Decentraland, but singer JJ Lin also bought 3 pieces of virtual land on Decentraland and officially entered the meta universe real estate industry.

According to foreign media reports, at the end of November this year, Decentraland even sold it through cryptocurrency at a high price of US$2.43 million (approximately NT$68 million). This not only broke the world record,The price is even higher than the actual average house price in Manhattan, USA!

It can only be said that not only can you not afford a house in the real world, but also a house in the virtual world!

This article is open to partners to reprint, reference materials: Central News Agency, ETtoday, yahoo, The Sandbox Game, first image source: The Sandbox screenshot