
Taiwan’s Presidential Election and the Impact of Nauru’s Decision to Cut Ties

While Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-de, who opposes unification with China, was elected in Taiwan’s presidential election, the South Pacific island nation of Nauru suddenly announced it would cut diplomatic ties. with Taiwan.

On the 15th (local time), the Nauruan government announced in a statement that it would cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan and establish ties with China, major foreign media outlets reported, including the US broadcaster CNN.

The Nauruan government said in a statement that it would cut ties with Taiwan and fully restore diplomatic relations with China in the interests of the country and its people. They explained the meaning of severing diplomatic relations by saying, “The Republic of Nauru does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country but considers it part of Chinese territory.”

uk <로이터> According to the news agency, Taiwan also announced that diplomatic relations would be severed between the two countries through a press briefing that day. Tian Zhongguang, Deputy Minister of Political Affairs of Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that he would withdraw the embassy staff from Nauru. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed Nauru had requested financial aid behind the severing of diplomatic ties.

The two countries severed diplomatic ties in 2002 after officially establishing diplomatic ties in 1980. Three years later, in 2005, when Democratic Progressive Party President Chen Shui-bian took office, diplomatic ties were resumed, but were severed again after 19 years.

Regarding the background of this diplomatic breach, the broadcast said, “China has been strengthening diplomatic pressure by including allies (Taiwan) in recent years,” and said that during the eight years when President Tsai Ing-wen in power, diplomatic relations existed. held with a total of 10 countries, including Nauru It was said to be cut off.

As a result, currently only 12 countries in the world maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan, including Guatemala, Paraguay, and Belize.

However, Nauru’s declaration of breaking diplomatic relations is not expected to be a major diplomatic blow to Taiwan immediately, as the US government announced its welcoming stance on the election of President Lai Ching-de and even sent a delegation.

▲ Flag of Nauru, an island nation in the South Pacific. ⓒAP=Yonhap News

The US delegation, including former US Secretary of State James Steinberg and former National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, visited Taiwan on the 14th, the day after the election ended, and met with President incumbent Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai Ching-de on the 15th and pledged continued support for Taiwan.

Since establishing diplomatic relations with China in 1979, the United States has maintained informal diplomatic relations with Taiwan while accepting the Chinese government’s view of ‘one China’. Specifically, they are exporting weapons to Taiwan while having legal mechanisms in place to intervene in Taiwan in case of an emergency.

In a meeting with the delegation, President-elect Lai Ching-de said, “I hope you will continue to support Taiwan” and “I will protect peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.” <로이터> The news agency reported.

Meanwhile, China did not hide its discomfort with the results of this election. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 14th that Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a meeting with reporters after a meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry that “Taiwan’s elections are a regional issue for China.”

“Regardless of the election results, the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China will not change,” said Wang Yi. “The general consensus of the international community that upholds the one-China principle will not change either.” “he said.

He said, “‘Taiwan independence’ has never been possible and will never be possible in the future,” and “‘Taiwan independence’ will seriously threaten the well-being of Taiwan’s compatriots, undermine the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and seriously undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.” He also warned, “

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