
Tărăboi PSD-PNL in Timiş. PSD demands the revocation of the liberal vice of CJ Proteasa/PNL asks Ciolacu to withdraw political support for Simonis

The social democrats from Timiş demand the dismissal from office of the vice-president of the Timiş County Council Alexandru Proteasa (PNL), after a journalistic investigation would have revealed the fact that a company of his family had links with some contracts carried out by the institution that he lead. In response, Proteasa stated that he was threatened by the family of PSD Timiş president Alfred Simonis, who also holds the position of interim president of the Chamber of Deputies, and the liberals ask Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, PSD leader, to withdraw political support for Alfred Simonis.

The Social-Democrats announce that, in the shortest time, they will request the removal from office of the vice-president Alexandru Proteasa, and then they will notify the General Prosecutor’s Office, in order to start an investigation in this case.

The reason for the scandal

The revelations regarding the links between Proteasa’s family and the institution he leads were made on Antena 3, during the Exces de Putere show.

“Alexandru Proteasa is the coordinator of the commission in charge of the vegetable and fruit center that the Timiş County Council is building in Tomnatic commune. Even if he denies this, he is exactly contradicted by the president Alin Nica. This important investment, which benefited from additional funds of 4 million lei, is not finished and already shows signs of deterioration. All this time, the company contracted to complete this project works for a commercial company in Moșniţa Nouă that belongs to Alexandru Proteasa’s family and is building a shopping center. Obviously, the vice-president of the Timiş County Council denies everything, but the evidence seems to be very clear”, the PSD Timiş representatives said in a press release on Saturday.

Proteasa accuses the Simonis family

In response, Alexandru Proteasa claims that everything is revenge for the Simonis family, because he did not give in to the blackmail. He says he received threats from the Simonis family.

“We are facing a new miserable political attack, really based on personal interests, but not mine, but that of the PSD leader, Alfred Simonis. The manipulation of information and the use of the PSD political group represent a revenge of the Simonis family, in front of which I refused to give in to blackmail. The brother of Alfred Simonis threatened me that he would fabricate this scandal for me if I did not put pressure on the civil servants of the CJ Timiş to issue him a necessary approval for the construction of a shopping center. Legally, that opinion could not be issued, and I neither do favors nor give in to pressure, blackmail and threats. I am waiting with interest for that plenum in which the PSD county councilors will ask for my revocation without any grounds and arguments, so that I can also expose to them the conversations with Mr. Simonis’s family, especially the last conversation that ended with the conclusion that I and the president CJ Timiş “deserve let’s be beaten on the street” because we don’t respond to orders”, declared Alexandru Proteasa, vice-president of CJ Timiş. The Timiş County Council, for its part, draws attention to the fact that the procedure for the dismissal of a vice-president of the County Council must be argued and put to a vote in plenary, and two-thirds of the total number of county councilors are required to be carried out.

PNL asks the Prime Minister to withdraw political support for the interim president of the Chamber

Also, in a press release from Saturday, PNL Timiş requested the PSD president, Marcel Ciolacu, to withdraw political support for deputy Alfred Simonis, following this scandal. “Following the journalistic revelations that recently appeared in the public space, PNL Timiş requests Prime Minister Ciolacu to withdraw support for deputy Alfred Simonis, the interim president of the Chamber of Deputies. At the same time, PNL Timiş draws public attention to the suspicions of fraud and corruption hovering over the activity of the PSD deputy, with the confidence that the competent institutions will self-report in order to carry out controls. Until now, the deputy Alfred Simonis has adopted the tactic of the ostrich hiding its head in the sand and has done nothing to clarify or refute the accusations that seem to flow like a river against him, both in the print media and on social networks “, transmits PNL Timiş.

Read also: VIDEO | Family business in Timiș: Vice-president of the CJ, Alexandru Proteasa shares public money, his father runs the company