
Tesla Launches Second Generation Humanoid Robot – Optimus Bot: Faster, Lighter, and More Versatile

Tesla Launches New and Improved Generation of Humanoid Robot

By [Professional Journalist]

Just six months after releasing its demonstration video of the Tesla Bot, Elon Musk’s company has now unveiled the second generation humanoid robot, the Optimus Bot. This new model boasts a range of improvements over its predecessor, including the ability to squat deeply, a 30% increase in walking speed, a 22-pound weight reduction, and enhanced flexibility in body movements.

According to reports from “electrek”, the Optimus Bot is capable of completing tedious and repetitive tasks for humans, with the ability to stand steadily on two legs and walk 30% faster than the previous generation.

▲ Optimus Bot can even squat at 90 degrees

The Optimus Bot features a newly designed palm with tentacle sensors on each finger, providing improved sensitivity compared to its predecessor. This enhancement allows the robot to handle delicate items, such as eggs, with greater dexterity.

Employing comments from Tesla AI team employee Milan Kovac, “Torque News” revealed that the Optimus Bot represents the third generation of humanoid robot developed in less than two years. Kovac also noted the efficiency of this new generation and confirmed that the demonstration video released by Tesla was not altered in speed and contained no CGI animation post-production.

Sources: Torque News, Electrek, SawyerMerritt@X

Half a year ago, Tesla officially released a demonstration video of its humanoid robot Tesla Bot (related reports) Unexpectedly, only half a year later, Tesla launched the second generation humanoid robot – Optimus Bot. Optimus Bot has many improvements over the previous generation, such as it can squat deep, walk 30% faster than the previous generation, weighs 22 pounds less, and has more flexible body movements.

According to “electrek” reports, Optimus Bot can complete tedious and repetitive processes for humans. Optimus Bot can stand stable on two legs and can walk 30% faster than the previous generation.

▲ Optimus Bot can even squat at 90 degrees

Optimus Bot has a newly designed palm with tentacle sensors on each finger, and its sensitivity is greatly improved compared to the previous generation, allowing it to handle fragile items such as eggs.

According to “Torque News”, Tesla AI team employee Milan Kovac said that this generation (Optimus Bot) is actually the third generation developed in less than 2 years after the start of the humanoid robot project, and it more efficient than the previous generation. Milan Kovac also pointed out that the demonstration video uploaded by Tesla was not sped up and had no CGI animation post-production.

Source: Torque News, Electrok,SawyerMerritt@X

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