
The Apple iPhone 15 Series Switches to USB-C Charging Cables, Finally Compatible with Android

Apple iPhone 15 Series Fully Switches to USB-C Charging Cables, Embracing Compatibility with Android

By Cui Zirou, Correspondent

In a move to comply with EU regulations, Apple has announced that the entire iPhone 15 series will now come equipped with USB-C charging cables, abandoning the exclusive Lightning charging specifications that have been in use for many years. Not only that, but these cables and interfaces will not be encrypted, meaning they are finally compatible with Android devices. This announcement marks a significant step towards universal connectivity.

In addition to highlighting the faster data transfer speeds of USB-3 and its compatibility with any USB-3 cable, Apple emphasized at the press conference that the new USB-C charging cable will enable users to bid farewell to the days of carrying multiple charging cables everywhere they go.

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Compatibility Extended to iPads and MacBooks

It’s not just the iPhone 15 series that is embracing USB-C. iPads, MacBooks, and other Apple devices will also adopt USB-C interfaces. This universality means that users can now charge their MacBooks and iPads with a single cable, eliminating the hassle of managing multiple cords.

According to a report by PhoneArena, this change is undoubtedly a win for users, saving them the trouble of owning multiple charging cables for various devices. However, it is important to note that the iPhone 15 charging cable, while compatible with Android data cables, does not encrypt data. Users should exercise caution when it comes to their charging cable choice.

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Mixed Reactions from Users

As previously reported on this website, the announcement of Apple completely switching to USB-C for the iPhone 15 series has sparked a variety of reactions. Japanese netizens have expressed both excitement and concern. Some were thrilled to finally see this change, while others viewed it as a punishment for loyal Apple users.

“USB-C lighting is still very inconvenient for headphones and watches,” one netizen remarked. “If my wife and I don’t purchase the iPhone 15 simultaneously, we’ll have to carry two cords every time we go out. It’s quite troublesome.” Others, however, expressed a willingness to endure a temporary inconvenience, stating, “I’ll wait. Once all my original Lightning cables are broken, I’ll get a new phone.”

Overall, the move towards USB-C charging cables signifies Apple’s commitment to greater compatibility and convenience for its users, paving the way for a more seamless and interconnected digital ecosystem.

Correspondent Cui Zirou/Comprehensive Report

In order to comply with EU regulations, the entire Apple iPhone 15 series has been completely switched to USB-C charging cables, abandoning the exclusive Lightning charging specifications for many years, and not encryption’ the data cables or the interfaces. In other words, they are finally compatible with Android data cables.

In addition to stating on its official website that USB-3 has faster data transfer speeds and can be used with any USB-3 cable, Apple also stated at the press conference that the new USB-C charging cable can allow users say goodbye to them. “everywhere. “Charging cable” days.

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▲ The entire Apple iPhone 15 series has been officially unveiled, and the biggest change is the full use of USB-C charging cables. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

In addition, iPads, Macbooks, etc. have adopted USB-C interfaces. The new USB-C is compatible and universal. Users only need one cable from iPhone 15 to charge Macs and iPads, making messy cables a thing of the past.

According to the “PhoneArena” report, users no longer need multiple cables to charge iPhones and other devices, which is definitely a win for users. The conclusion is that iPhone 15 USB-C is not encrypted and can be charged of Android data cables, as well as Android phones. Be careful with the iPhone 15 charging cable.

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▲ iPhone 15 Pro. (Photo/reproduced from YouTube/Apple)

According to a previous report on this website, “Apple iPhone 15 will completely switch to USB-C!” Japanese netizens mocked: “To punish loyal users at all” Japanese netizens have discussed this before. Many people cheered that they finally waited for this moment, but some people think that it is a punishment for loyal users. “USB-C lights are just the mobile phone. still very inconvenient for headphones and watches.” “If my wife and I don’t buy 15 at the same time, we would have to carry two cords every time we go out. It’s very troublesome.” “It would be better for me to suffer a little longer.” “Wait. If all the original lighting cables are broken, get a new phone.”

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