
The aristocratic family and my steak’s status are no longer guaranteed!The old gourmand eats at “this restaurant” instead: 299 yuan until he vomits | Novelty | NOWnews Today’s News

▲ Affordable steak is a delicacy that many people have been eating since childhood, and joining the self-service bar to operate My Family Steak and Noble Family is the childhood memory of many 7th and 8th graders. (Photo/NOWnews file photo)

Reporter Zhang Jiazhe/Comprehensive Report

2024-01-23 17:59:07 My steakhouse and Noble Family led Taiwan to set off a trend of “affordable steak + buffet” a few years ago. However, with the new all-you-can-eat restaurant opening more and more restaurants, my family Steakhouse and Noble Family are facing operational difficulties. Although some stores have turned to flagship stores and fresh food restaurants in recent years, they still cannot return to their heyday. However, some gourmets discussed on Facebook, “Has the steak + buffet bar been replaced by someone now?” The post aroused widespread response.

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A netizen posted on the Facebook group “Taiwan Big Eater All You Can Eat Buffet Food” and pointed out, “It is said that it is a steak restaurant that was delayed by pizza.This is the first time I come to the Beef Room. The price is really cheap. You can eat all you want for more than 300 yuan. It’s similar to how I consume steak at home.the handmade pizza is really delicious. The buffet bar has soups, curries, and many home-cooked stir-fries and pastas. I will definitely visit again. I think the CP value is very high.Has the steak + buffet bar been replaced now? ”.▲A recent store called “Beef Room Grilled Steak” also focuses on the steak + self-service bar model, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens. (Picture/Google review) After the post was exposed, many gourmets responded, “The fried food and pizza are both excellent and very delicious. Now I eat at this steak + buffet bar.”“The buffet bar is rich in variety and selection, and it’s not casual. It beats many restaurants like My Steakhouse and Noble Family that are not flagship stores. I highly recommend it.” tasty”, “The buffet bar is very rich, including hot stir-fry, fried noodles, fried food, stir-fried vegetables, siomai, and pizza. It is not easy to go through them all. The CP value is really high.” In fact,This “Beef Room Grilled Steak” only came out 5 years ago. After gradually building up its reputation, it began to rise in recent years. It currently has six branches across Taiwan, located in 5 counties including Kaohsiung, Tainan, Taichung, Taoyuan and Taipei. city, and the Banqiao store and Kaohsiung store had just opened at the end of last year, and they immediately attracted many gourmets to make pilgrimages, and the volume was loud. It is not ruled out that they will continue to open stores in various counties and cities in the future. ▲As long as you order the grilled steak in the beef room, you can enjoy the buffet in the store. The menu in the store is also quite diverse, with more than 15 kinds of ingredients such as fried food, stir-fry, and pasta available. (Picture/Google comment) The reporter from “NOWnews” also actually inquired about the menu of “Beef Room Grilled Steak”.If you go to enjoy it during lunch time on weekdays, you can order the pork chop in the store for 299 yuan. As long as you order the steak meal, you can enjoy the buffet bar in the store. The dishes include fried food, soup, pasta, fried food, dessert, All you can eat Hong Kong style dim sumbecause the pizzas are all made by hand on site,Many people praised “Beef Room is the steakhouse that was delayed by pizza”in the past, YouTubers Hao Hao and Jack, who are big eaters, also made pilgrimages to the store. They can eat all they want at this price, which is really a good deal.Carefully look at the Google reviews of the “Gyuro Grilled Steak” Banqiao store. It has a high score of 4.4 stars, which is better than my steakhouse and many stores of Noble Family.many gourmets who have eaten there have said, “The pizza is surprisingly delicious, because the steak restaurant should be fine, but it turns out to be delicious beyond expectations.”“You can eat steak and so many dishes at this price, which is a high CP value. I think it beats many all-you-can-eat steaks at the same price.” “Now it has become a favorite restaurant for family gatherings. On weekdays, 299 yuan for lunch + buffet bar is so full. “. Next time, if you want to eat a steak + buffet restaurant, but you are tired of my steak or the aristocratic steak, you can try it out! ▲The discussion of grilled steaks in the beef room has skyrocketed in recent years. Among them, the handmade pizza in the self-service bar area is very popular, and has been praised by netizens as “the steak restaurant delayed by pizza.” (Photo/Beef Room Grilled Steak Facebook)

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