
The Armed Forces celebrate the blessed anniversary of the Night of Isra and Miraj

The Armed Forces organized their annual celebration of the blessed anniversary of the Night of Isra and Miraj for the year 1445 AH. The celebration began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran in the voice of reciter Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarhi.

Dr. Tariq Abdel Hamid, a scholar of the Ministry of Endowments, gave a speech in which he pointed out that the celebration of the Isra and Mi’raj anniversary comes as a glorification and reverence for the owner of this fragrant memory of the nation’s Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) and his great struggle for the sake of his calling and his bright message to humanity. He added that celebrating this occasion can only be done by our example. The Holy Messenger in character and deeds.

Major General Ah Yasser Abdel Aziz Al-Asraiji, Assistant Minister of Defense, delivered a speech on behalf of Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, during which he stressed that the Armed Forces’ celebration of this occasion comes to uphold the values ​​and principles established by the Noble Messenger, and to emulate his honorable path of work, giving, and fulfilling tasks. And the responsibilities assigned to them in order to preserve the homeland and defend the sanctities of its great people.

The celebration was attended by a number of leaders, officers, members of the armed forces, and representatives of the Ministry of Endowments and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.