
The average number of views on TikTok has surpassed YouTube in the UK and US.

application TikTok still hot After an app data analysis company revealed that the average viewership of TikTok has surpassed YouTube.

For many years we can say that YouTube (YouTube) It’s a video platform mogul. Only after the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus causing more people to turn their attention to TikTok

The latest report of App Annie The app industry and app analytics company revealed that at this time, TikTok’s average per-user usage has surpassed YouTube. in the United States and United Kingdom

Overall, however, YouTube maintains its status as the most viewed video platform. With YouTube’s total active users now surpassing 2 billion, in contrast to TikTok, which used to have the most viewership of just 700 million, or at some point at around 1 billion.

It must also be noted that TikTok’s viewership count does not include Douyin, the Chinese-only version of the TikTok app. Additionally, the number of users reported by App Annie is specific to Android users, not iOS users.

TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2020, according to App Annie’s report. In China, it’s also the most popular app Douyin. domestic market Or the international market, ByteDance can take over all the greatness.

source: BBC