
The Benefits and Precautions of Drinking Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide

Coffee has become a daily drink for many people. For the intense aromatic taste You can also change the flavor according to your taste. Above all, eat and wake up! That’s what’s important. On days when you are a little sleepy, if you find some bitter black coffee, go in and you will definitely wake up. which is considered a very popular drink around the world. Found all over the world drinking coffee up to around 43 liters per person. Making it a huge trading market.

Coffee in the diet It is considered a drink that contains a variety of nutrients, but it must be black coffee, espresso, Americano, black coffee.

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that do not add other ingredients such as sugar or cream Classified as a low-calorie drink, 1 cup (240 ml or 8 ounces) of coffee contains less than 5 kilocalories. It is a good source of nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid.

It is also rich in various antioxidants, but the best-known substance in coffee is caffeine, which stimulates the brain and central nervous system. Helps to be energized and prevent fatigue.

The amount of caffeine and other substances in coffee will be more or less large depending on the variety and production process.

What is the difference between fresh coffee and instant coffee, which contain caffeine?

  • Espresso coffee contains 64 milligrams of caffeine per 30 milliliters.
  • Instant coffee contains 24 milligrams of caffeine per 30 milliliters.

Benefits of coffee

  • Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke Research has confirmed that drinking black coffee in adequate amounts can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can also reduce death from cardiovascular disease by up to 21%.
  • Anti-tumor effect Coffee has many antioxidants. Research has shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of some cancers. For example, if you drink 2 cups of coffee a day, you can reduce your risk of liver cancer by 43% and your risk of breast cancer by 52%.
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes Drinking coffee is associated with a reduction in insulin resistance Drinking 1 cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes by 6% and helps reduce diabetes complications. From its ability to fight free radicals and reduce inflammation
  • Helps reduce obesity Coffee reduces levels of the hormone ghrelin. related to hunger Helps increase fat burning in the body. Caffeine increased energy metabolism in normal-weight people by 29 percent and in obese people by 10 percent.
  • Reduce the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinson’s disease Research has found that Drinking coffee regularly Helps reduce the risk and delay the onset of brain-related diseases.
  • Increase exercise efficiency If you consume 3-6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. Helps increase performance and endurance in various forms of exercise.

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Precautions for drinking coffee

  • People who are slow to eliminate caffeine may experience side effects from drinking coffee, such as: Anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, nausea, headache, hand tremors, rapid heartbeat, etc.
  • Not suitable for pregnant women Research has shown that drinking 2 or more cups of coffee increases the risk of miscarriage by 8% and increasing to 4-7 cups a day increases the risk of stillbirth or stillbirth by up to 80%.
  • Iced coffee is often very caloric. Although coffee beans contain various substances that can help with obesity and diabetes. But if you drink coffee full of sugar and cream It will further increase body weight gain.

According to the Department of Health report, 20 ounces of coffee with milk contains more than 200 kilocalories and up to 8-9 teaspoons of sugar.

Therefore, it is recommended to drink black coffee without added sugar.

  • Affects Sleep Quality This is especially true for people whose bodies are slow to eliminate caffeine. As a result, you may not be able to sleep well or you may not be able to sleep at all.
  • increase in psychiatric symptoms Although caffeine is useful for increasing the attention and concentration of those who drink it. But caution should be exercised in patients with existing panic attacks or social phobia.

Because excessive caffeine consumption can cause symptoms similar to those of psychiatric disorders, such as feelings of anxiety. restless and mental symptoms Therefore, you should drink it appropriately. Choosing to consume no more than 2 cups of black coffee per day to receive benefits and reduce the possibility of negative health effects.

Thanks for the information from: BDMS Wellness Clinic

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