
The body of Yousra Al-Lawzi’s mother arrives at Omar Makram Mosque (photos)

Photography – Hani Rajab:

The body of the artist Yousra El Lozy’s mother arrived a short while ago at Omar Makram Mosque for her funeral to be held in her final resting place.

Ahmed Al-Lawzi, the brother of the artist Yousra Al-Lawzi, announced the death of his mother through a post on his official Facebook account, and commented: “Sawsan went to Mahmoud.”

It is noteworthy that Yousra El Lozy’s last work was the series “Silat Rahm”, which was shown in the Ramadan 2024 drama season.

Co-starring Iyad Nassar, Asmaa Abu Al-Yazid, Ali Al-Tayeb, Heba Abdel-Ghani, Amr Al-Qadi, Salwa Muhammad Ali, Safaa Galal, Batoul Haddad, and it was written by Muhammad Hisham Obayya and directed by Tamer Nadi.

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