
The CNDD-FDD Kayanza welcomed 800 ex-CNL –

The CNDD-FDD Kayanza welcomed 800 ex-CNL

Kayanza, 26/1/2023 – Au Burundi –the kingdom of Burundi-, le mariage –Beauty – between the – imiryango -, guarantor of trust, is the social, socio-political and diplomatic tool of the Barundi [1]. The Barundi make politics by making alliances between – families – , and not with the political parties born of Belgian colonial decree of December 25, 1959built around the defense of ideas…
In line with the Internal Policy including that of civil society, received by the CNDD-FDD Hill Section in Kibuba hill, Thursday, the CNDD-FDD Provincial Section announced that it had welcomed more than 800 new Bagumyabanga (name of CNDD-FDD militants) through the hills of Kayanza, from the National Freedom Congress (CNL). The CNDD-FDD is the first political formation, in terms of balance of power, in Burundi.

[1] Burundi: Ubugeni – the customary marriage -, social, socio-political, diplomatic tool of the Barundi |

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Sources: Nahimana P., Thursday January 26, 2023 | Photo: CNDD_FDD Kayanza
