
The common wage in Belarus elevated by 21.4 rubles in April | Wage Inhabitants of Belarus | AFN | Belarusian Information | Republic of Belarus

The nominal common gathered wage of employees in Belarus in April 2024 was equal to 2182.5 rubles, Belstat reported.

In comparison with March, wages elevated by 21.4 rubles or 0.99%. Actual wages elevated by 15.1% in April.

The nominal gathered common wage of employees in Minsk for April amounted to 2942.7 rubles, Minsk area – 2165.1 rubles, Gomel area – 1981.5 rubles, Grodno area – 1999.6 rubles, Brest area – 1917.6 rubles, Vitebsk area – 1840.7 – 1 rubles, Mogilskaya – 1840.7 rubles – 1840.7 – 1 rubles, Mogilskaya – 1 rubles. .

The best gathered common month-to-month wage in April went to employees within the sector “info expertise and actions within the area of data providers” and amounted to 7,034.7 rubles. In second place are auxiliary actions within the area of economic providers and insurance coverage – 4957.2 rubles; within the third – air transport actions for passengers – 5326.0 rubles.

The smallest quantity was gathered in April for workers of hairdressing salons and sweetness salons – 1153.5 rubles, actions of libraries, archives, museums and different actions within the area of tradition – 1250.0 rubles, care actions in specialised establishments and provision of social providers – 1229.8 rubles.