
The Connection Between Anger and Cardiovascular Disease: New Research Findings

Research has shown that angry feelings increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 AI리포터] In our daily lives, we often feel angry for reasons big or small. However, research findings have recently been published showing that even brief moments of anger increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This was reported by 1 (local time) Medical News Today, citing a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. A research team from Columbia University in New York examined the effects of negative emotions such as anger, sadness and anxiety on the vascular system in 280 adults.

As a result, participants who felt angry had dilated blood vessel walls for up to 40 minutes after the emotion first appeared. Vasodilation can lead to high blood pressure and related complications such as heart disease and stroke.

“Anger and heart disease have been linked for a long time,” said cardiologist Lou Badlamani. “Anger releases high levels of adrenaline, which can have harmful effects on the cardiovascular system.” He added: “When blood vessels constrict and constrict, they can put pressure on the heart.”

He continued: “Learning to balance your emotions and deal with stressful situations is the most effective and productive way to do so.” He also stressed the importance of controlling emotions, saying: “When angry feelings arise, it is good to take a deep breath or count slowly.”

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