
The Dangers of Excessive Dietary Supplement Use: How Overdosing Can Be Poisonous

Can excessive use of dietary supplements actually be poisonous? Describes the side effects that may occur in case of overdose. pixelated image

MBC entertainment program <전지적 참견 시점>a scene aired on the 6th where actress Chae Jeong-an arrived at a supermarket-type pharmacy and went to buy dietary supplements. Known as a “management geek”, he attracted attention with his “Nutrition Flex”, paying over 500,000 won for both the usual nutritional supplements and new nutritional supplements. Nutrients are supplements that fill gaps in your diet, but if consumed in excess they can have side effects. The American media Insider has warned of the dangers of excessive use of dietary supplements, quoting Rob Chilcot, professor of toxicology at the University of Hertfordshire, England.

Nutrients are useful supplements for people who suffer from a deficiency of certain nutrients or whose usual diet is insufficient. Out of desire for health, some people purchase large-capacity products, which can lead to excessive nutritional intake.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that regulates muscle and nerve function and blood sugar levels. The recommended daily dose for adults is between 310 and 420 mg, which can be met by eating a handful of almonds or eight whole potatoes. However, taking more than 5,000 mg per day can cause drowsiness, loss of reflexes, facial flushing and, in extreme cases, paralysis. Excessive use of magnesium can cause hypocalcemia, a condition in which calcium levels become extremely low. People with poor kidney function or hypothyroidism should be especially cautious about overdosing on magnesium.

Vitamin C, one of the most under-consumed nutrients, can have a negative impact on health if consumed in excessive quantities. In moderation, it helps immune system function and iron absorption, but consuming more than 2,000 mg per day can cause fatigue, kidney problems and vitamin B12 deficiency. People with certain kidney diseases, such as gout or liver cirrhosis, should avoid consuming large amounts of vitamin C.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient important for the immune system, muscles, nerves and strong bones. The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 15 mg, and taking more than 250 mg can increase blood calcium levels and cause symptoms of inflammation, pain, fever, chills, and vomiting.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for cellular health and play an important role in the heart, blood vessels, lungs, immune system and endocrine system. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is safe to take up to 2 grams of fish oil supplements per day. The problem is fish oil, the main source of omega-3s. This is because dangerous heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium are dissolved in fish. A 2021 study reported that these heavy metals were filtered out during the processing and refining of fish oil-based dietary supplements, but lead was also detected in some omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements.

#Excessive #dietary #supplements #poisonous #Lady #Kyunghyang