
The Dangers of Grandparent Care: A Chinese Mother’s Concerns

A Chinese woman gave her daughter to her father-in-law, but later realized something was wrong. (Image / reproduced from photoAC)

Modern life is stressful, and many young parents leave their children with their families, but the education method may not be what they want. In the past, there was a mother in China who left her daughter in the care of her father-in-law because she was busy with work.

According to local media reports, Ms Lin and her husband were busy with the company and did not have much time or thought to look after their children. They originally planned to hire a nanny, but after her father-in-law – discovery law, she offers to help with tasks at home.

As the days passed, Ms Lin noticed that something was wrong. Every time it was time to eat, her daughter always said she was not hungry at checkup, but everything was normal.

My daughter has no appetite every time it’s mealtime, but her weight doesn’t decrease but increases. (Image / reproduced from photoAC)

However, her daughter’s food intake was still decreasing day by day, and her weight was increasing instead of losing weight, which puzzled Ms Lin until she overheard a conversation between her daughter and her father-in-law one day her father-in-law: “Grandpa, I want to eat spicy noodles and spicy noodles tomorrow”, then it suddenly dawned on me.

Ms. Lin asked her daughter secretly if her father-in-law often took her out to eat. Her daughter answered happily: “Yes, grandpa is very kind to me. He buys me whatever I want to eat. He doesn’t just buy me grilled sausages and chicken fried steak , and buy me a big burger!”

Ms. Lin was very upset after hearing this. She knew her father-in-law meant well for the children, but eating too much junk food was not good for the body, and she didn’t know what to do. do it for a while. . I came to discuss it with my husband, but he said, “My mother died early. The children are my father’s only support. He also wanted to make the children happy. If it doesn’t work, we have to “In the end, he could only warn his daughter not to have sex with her grandfather. Buy junk food and eat it.

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