
The Department of Health reveals the results of the survey, opening the country, fearing a new wave of epidemic outbreaks, 75.8% high

The Department of Health reveals the results of the survey, opening the country, fearing a new epidemic wave, 75.8%, adjusting the maximum preventive measures, intensive 3 topics, requesting to complete 2 injections as soon as possible

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Date 27 Oct. ’64 Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai Director General of the Department of Health Press conference on opening measures, opening the city, opening the country that in a few days it will be the date of the opening of tourism pilot areas in 17 provinces. The most worried is 75.8% of the new outbreak Falling cards do not protect themselves 49.7%

Tourism establishments do not follow disease prevention measures 45.1% fear themselves and their families 41% inadequate screening measures for foreign tourists 39.6% worry about re-lockdowns 37.1% Inadequate hospital beds 31.7% and others such as economy, vaccine efficiency 2.1%

Which businesses are worried about a new cluster outbreak after opening the country? entertainment place pub bar 89.2% Public transport 43.1% Tourist attractions 39.8% Educational institutions 39.2% Market 37.4% Department stores 34.1% Restaurants 28.8% Resort hotels 24% Convenience stores 17.9% Religious sites 16.4% Not worried New cluster 5.5% Anxiety new cluster Other establishments 3.1%

Measures that people think should be taken more to ensure that the country is open and safe. The most is the acceleration of 2 injections of vaccinations in all provinces covering 70% or more, 72.53%, strict control of illegal entry into countries along the border 60.58%, supervision and monitoring of disease prevention measures 55.1%.

Accelerate the injection of vaccines in tourist areas 52.72% Support ATK testing kits for everyone in tourist areas 49.41% All establishments pass public health certification standards 43.3% for tourists to enter the country Can travel only in designated areas 41.2%, other measures 2.7%

Determination of group, type of activities, activities The Department of Health considers key risk factors, namely the density of service use, cleanliness, and sanitation of the place. ventilation activity nature duration of participation and overall environment safety classified according to risk

Divided into 3 groups: 1. Moderate risk: libraries, museums, learning centers. open air restaurant Non-air-conditioned public transport, parks, outdoor sports fields. food truck Convenience stores, hotels, tourist attractions Tour business, tour bus, water pump

2. High risk, such as libraries, museums, learning centers that are closed rooms. Air conditioning, gym, fitness center, no air conditioning, movie theaters, restaurants, air-conditioned rooms. mall Air-conditioned public transport, amusement parks, water parks, beauty salons, haircuts

and 3. Very high risk in close contact for a period of time Including a large number of people, such as tattoo parlors, manicures, spa massages, gymnasium, fitness with air conditioning. The stadium hosts a lot of crowds, a fresh market, a flea market.

The Ministry of Public Health has set safety measures for the COVID Free Setting organization for supporting businesses. Focus on the environment, employees, service recipients, safety Details of each business are listed in Thai Stop COVID Plus, part of the framework for assessing activities of activities. Follow-up measures and surveillance

Divided into 3 main parts: 1. All business establishments register their self-assessment activities on Thai Stop COVID Plus in order to raise the level according to the COVID Free Setting measure and attach the certificate at the point where users can clearly see it.

2. People assess, recommend, comment, inform information or complain about business establishments in the area whether they have taken measures or not via QR Code in the E-Certification certificate, Thai Stop COVID Plus, and the health guard’s Facebook page.

and 3. Inspection by the staff set the province or BMA established a committee to monitor the operation should consist of public, private, and public sectors, focusing on opening cities to open the country They can be organized into sub-teams at the district level and sub-districts. They must be assessed every 2 weeks and monitor measures according to the relevant laws. Make a checklist of audit targets on the TSCP to set a goal to inspect at least 20% of registered establishments, inspect 100% of establishments with public complaints. Proceedings with law and inappropriate conduct to strictly follow

Overall, raising the level of activities to carry out the COVID Free Setting on Thai Stop COVID Plus, combined with many measures to support the opening of 17 provinces in pilot areas, focusing on the people and the staff to work in parallel to check the operators Supervise measures, comment, report information, and file complaints via QR code. E-Certification issued by the shop, COVID Free Setting sticker issued by employees.

Asking for cooperation from local entrepreneurs Have service recipients attend at least 5% of 5 service recipients per day per shop. Self defense after opening the country Starting Nov. 1, all citizens must adhere to the strictest self-defense measures. But before opening the country, there are 10 items that will be adapted to suit tourists traveling as follows.

1. People should choose to go to places with the COVID Free Setting or SHA Plus symbol that participate in the project. The test results were free of infection before entering the facility.

3. Follow DMH measures, keep a distance of 2 meters everywhere. Avoid entering crowded places poor ventilation Refrain from sharing personal belongings Emphasize wearing a mask correctly all the time. Leave accommodation and other travelers sharing accommodation Wash your hands frequently If suspected of noise, do not leave accommodation ATK self-examination, consult a nearby health facility. I believe that working together will pass together.