
The Deputy Governor of Sohag participates in the celebration of the Isra and Mi’raj anniversary at Al-Arif Billah Mosque

The Endowments Directorate in Sohag Governorate announced the establishment and holding of 51 scientific symposiums today, Wednesday, under the title “The Night Journey and Mi’raj, Lessons and Lessons,” within the framework of the Ministry of Endowments’ scientific, advocacy and educational role, and within its efforts to spread enlightened moderate thought. The seminars were held in a number of mosques in the governorate. This was stated by Dr. Mohamed Hosni, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments in Sohag.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments in Sohag added that the grand symposium was held at the “Al-Arif Billah” Mosque in Sohag, in the presence of Ahmed Sami Al-Qadi, Deputy Governor of Sohag, Major General Alaa Abdel Jaber, Secretary General of Sohag Governorate, Dr. Ahmed Hammadi, Head of the Central Administration of the Al-Azhar Region, Sheikh Salah Mohamed Bariqi, Director of Da’wah, and Sheikh Abdel Hamadi. Al-Sabour Ahmed Amer, Director of the Citizen Service Department, and a group of leaders of the Sohag Endowments Directorate.

The activities began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, then words from the Sheikh by Dr. Muhammad Hosni, Undersecretary of the Endowments Directorate in Sohag, in which he spoke about the Night Journey, the lessons learned from it, and the importance of emulating and imitating the qualities and morals of our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. The celebration concluded with a group of religious supplications.