
The Devilish Feeling of Durian Estates: A Story from Thailand

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22 February 2024 05:15 am

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Ottilie has a devilish feeling about her husband’s durian estates from Thailand. Ottilie has no feelings of concern or interest in her Thai husband’s durian orchard. devil-may-care in adjective It conveys ‘not caring that it will happen’ ‘not to worry’ Josua tells the story of his daughter. Royston in 1997 was a devil-may-care teenager but became more serious as she grew older. Royston in 1997 was a disinterested teenager. But as I got older, I became a serious person.

part devil-may-care attitude It conveys ‘an attitude that doesn’t care about the economy, money or loss’ Ronda is shocked to hear that her friend’s husband is playing in a casino in Macau. Tens of thousands of yuan were spent But my friend said Easy come easy go. Money comes easily, easily Rhonda’s friend said in a devil-may-care attitude. Rhonda’s friend spoke with an attitude that she didn’t care about losing money.

Devil to pay The meaning of this noun phrase ‘great difficulty’ is mainly used with the big trouble As soon as you know, you have not passed the exam. It was the devil to pay. There was an immediate difficulty. Moira is very addicted to gambling. Steve’s friend warned that The devil will pay when you marry Moira. There will be complications when you marry Moira. The Thai language has words for uncut or rough diamonds. English also available. a diamond in the rough It refers to intelligent people who have not gone through formal education. John never went to school but he is a cleaver; he is a diamond in the rough. John had no formal education but was intelligent. It is an uncut diamond.

Niticarun Mingrujiralai
[email protected]

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