
The Game Awards: Changes and Updates from TGA Founder Geoff Keighley

TGA Founder Geoff Keighley Addresses Changes and Awards at The Game Awards

The highly anticipated annual awards ceremony in the gaming industry, The Game Awards, is set to take place in early December. In a recent live Q&A session on Twitch, TGA founder Geoff Keighley fielded questions from the audience regarding updates to the event and award categories.

Addressing the absence of new awards this year, Keighley explained, “There are no new awards this year. I saw people saying, ‘Why don’t you have a Best DLC award?’ It’s kind of like a ‘Best Continuous Game’ category. That’s usually awarded to online games, but Cyberpunk 2077 was shortlisted this year.”

Keighley clarified that Cyberpunk 2077’s nomination for Best Continuous Development Game was due to the significant improvements made to the base game through version 2.0 and the expansion pack “Freedom Fantasy.”

Regarding remakes and remasters, Keighley noted, “Another question that players often ask is why we don’t have an award for the best remakes or remasters.” He highlighted Capcom’s “Castle 4 Remastered” and “Dead Space” as popular remastered games, with “Castle 4 Remastered” also being shortlisted for Game of the Year (GOTY).

Future Considerations

Keighley further explained that while no new award categories have been introduced this year, these topics are continually evaluated for potential inclusion in the future. He emphasized the need to carefully consider each addition, particularly with regard to the quality and impact of remakes and remasters in any given year.

Addressing the potential for actor performance awards, Keighley responded, “We’ve talked about it, and there are a lot of great performers this year.” He acknowledged the balance between narrative-based awards and those focused on gaming-specific elements, emphasizing the ongoing consideration of new award categories.

Security Measures

In response to concerns about security at the event, Keighley assured the audience, “Yes, we will. We don’t want to reveal too much about this because it’s about security, but we have a plan, and we’re doing everything we can to protect the safety of the show and everyone who watches and participates in the show.” This statement comes in the wake of a security incident at the 2022 awards, during which an intruder disrupted the ceremony.

The most popular annual awards ceremony in the gaming industry, “The Game Awards” (The Game Awards), takes place at the beginning of December. Recently, TGA founder Geoff Keighley held a live question-and-answer session on the Twitch channel to answer the questions of the audience about the changes as well as prizes. .

“There are no new awards this year,” said Keighley. “I saw people saying, ‘Why don’t you have a Best DLC award?’ It’s kind of like a ‘Best Continuous Game’ category. That’s usually awarded to online games, but Cyberpunk 2077 was shortlisted this year.”

Keighley explained that the reason why “Cyber ​​​​2077” was shortlisted for the best continuous development game is because version 2.0 and the expansion pack “Freedom Fantasy” greatly improved the base game , so he was shortlisted for this award.

“Another question that players often ask is why we don’t have an award for the best remakes or remasters,” said Keighley. 5 awesome remakes of games?”

Yes, the most popular remastered games in 2023 are Capcom’s “Castle 4 Remastered” and “Dead Space.” Among them, “Castle 4 Remastered” It was also shortlisted for one of the best games of the year GOTY.

Curator Keighley explained that what they are considering is actually at a very basic level, because it’s not every year that a high-quality game is remade that receives widespread acclaim. “So, yes, there are no new categories this year in terms of awards, but it’s definitely something we discuss every year and try to evaluate the best way to handle it.”

Another award-related issue is actor performance, and Keighley also said that awards such as Best Supporting Actor were considered, but not adopted this year, but there may be opportunities in the future.

“We’ve talked about it, and there are a lot of great performers this year,” Keighley replied. “But on the other hand, there are also players who say, ‘You focus too much on the narrative of the game. ,’ or ‘You are too worthy of an Oscar.’ Similar awards like writing and acting, players hope we should pay more attention to game-based things.”

“Best Performance is something we consider, and our acting awards have always been gender neutral, which I’m very proud of. We haven’t had an actor or actress award since 2014, we’re in really just combined them in one performance. category, I think that was the right decision we made.”

“So, yes, we’ve considered it,” Keighley said. “We’re not planning to do it this year, but it’s something we’ve considered before.”

Finally, there is an issue that everyone is concerned about: security protection I still remember, when “Elden Ring” won the GOTY Award in 2022, an intruder broke into the awards stage and hit the producer Hidetaka Miyazaki. After speaking, he took off the microphone and the prankster was pulled over and arrested.

Therefore, the audience naturally asked if TGA has strengthened security to prevent stage trespassers. Keighley confirmed: “Yes, we will. We don’t want to reveal too much about this because it’s about security, but we have a plan, and we’re doing everything we can to protect the safety of the show and everyone who watches and participates in the show.”

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