
The Hunt for the Cyber-Terrorists Behind the Mysterious DDoS Attacks

It has been confirmed that a mysterious DDoS attack that indiscriminately attacks Internet broadcasts has already been tracked behind the scenes.

According to several sources, Riot Games began an investigation to resolve the attack immediately after the attack targeting League of Legends (LoL) related influencers.

The route and form of the investigation is being conducted in complete secrecy to prevent terrorism suspects from being aware of it, and it has been said that some investigation leads have recently been obtained. An unnamed official said, “Because it is not a temporary measure but a covert tracking to get to the root of the problem, we may not have been able to make an official statement for a long time.”

The controversy grew even more as even ‘Faker’ fell victim to a DDoS attack.

It is estimated that Riot started responding after January 11th. Right after the LoL 2024 season opened, mysterious problems arose one after another in the Solo Rank broadcasts of LoL broadcasters.

The first sign of this DDoS cyber-terrorism was the Internet connection failure that occurred in the ‘Jasnaetdae’ streamer competition sponsored by Chizijik at the end of December. At the time, it was difficult to be sure that it was a DDoS attack because it could have been a personal problem for the participants, but on January 11th, at Solo Rank, famous broadcasters such as ‘Monster Rat’ and ‘Kim Min-kyo ‘, not only themselves but also their team members disconnected due to the same phenomenon.

Popular LCK professional players like ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok and ‘Showmaker’ Heo Su also experienced the same. In a personal broadcast, a phenomenon occurred where the connections of team members other than the user were forcibly terminated one after the other. In addition, broadcasters who do not play LoL at all suffered the same attack, revealing that the problem was not game specific.

Now, the fact that it expands into indiscriminate terrorism regardless of the game is even more serious. AfreecaTV’s main broadcasters are constantly under attack, and Twitch and Chijijik have also recently suffered DDoS attacks while running major content such as ‘Lost Ark’, Echidna, and Perclan.

For now, there is growing support for the analysis that this was a terrorist attack based on pure malice and no particular gain. It was suspected that it belonged to private Toto, but the target was moved to completely unrelated broadcasts, and no traces of special demands such as money from broadcasters were found.

However, officials say they were able to narrow down some of the characteristics of the terrorist suspects in the process of identifying the timing and pattern of DDoS attacks and the path of sequential DDoS actions.

Streaming platforms directly affected by DDoS attacks have also taken action. Afreeca TV is building protection measures through its internal technical staff, and there is talk in the industry that Naver, which opened a new streaming service ‘Chizijik’, is also in the process of building a response plan.

The status of riot response and platform companies is also partly shared with broadcasters behind closed doors. BJ and LoL commentator Lee Hyeon-woo of ‘Clem’ said on the broadcast, “All I can say now is that it will be caught soon,” and warned, “The event has become so big if you don’t want to do that. ruin your life, better stop now.”

DDoS attacks are known to be difficult to detect, but if the scope of the investigation increases, there are many arrests. In 2019, an individual in his 20s was arrested for carrying out DDoS attacks on several public enterprise Internet rooms and PCs, and in 2017 and 2023, the organizations that secured zombie PCs and jointly executed DDoS attacks were arrested and collected criminal penalties and damages. There is a bar.

#Riot #conducts #investigation #InBang #DDoS #attacks.. #Weve #narrowed #investigative #net