
The inconvenient truth about 100% fruit juice?

It is made as an additive to the concentrate… It contains a lot of sugar

Fruit juice is not always good for your health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals are representative healthy foods, but if they are eaten in the wrong way, they can be toxic to our body.

Commercially available fruit juices are representative. Many people are confused by phrases like ‘100% fruit’, but is it really 100%? Most fruit juices are not made by pressing (juicing). After mixing the fruit concentrate with water, liquid fructose, sodium, and additives are added to make it similar to fresh fruit juice. If you look carefully at the ingredients label, you will see that most juices are made from fruit concentrate. Most of them are too high in sugar.

Fruit concentrate is concentrated by heating the juice and evaporating the moisture. Most of the nutrients that are good for our body are destroyed during the manufacturing process. In addition, it contains a number of additives.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 2020, women who consumed one or more sugary fruit juices every day had a 42% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than women who did not. This study was conducted for 20 years on 106,000 women without diabetes or cardiovascular disease. The researchers explained that too much sugar in the juice increases blood glucose and insulin concentrations, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you want to drink fruit juice, it’s best to make it yourself from fresh fruit. Fruit juices with fast digestion and high absorption are particularly good for the elderly and children. Because there is no separate processing treatment, nutrients remain undisturbed.

If you are making fruit juice, it is best to put all the seeds and skins and squeeze it. For example, in the case of grapes, resveratrol, which is known to be effective in preventing aging and preventing adult diseases and cancer, is not contained in grape flesh at all. On the other hand, it is found in grape seeds and grape skins. Other fruits also often contain healthy nutrients in the skin and seeds.

When eaten with the skin, the dietary fiber in the skin gradually raises blood sugar levels and reduces the negative effect on insulin secretion.

Resveratrol is not contained in grape flesh at all, but is present in large amounts in grape seeds and skins. [그래픽=최소연 디자이너]
