
The Latest News Update: Low Birth Rates, AI Outbreak, and More – January 10th, 2024

Delivery times 2024-01-10 19:36

Let’s take a look at the news everyone is paying attention to right now.

<1> Statistics have shown that low birth rates and aging have significantly worsened.

The number of births has fallen by half compared to eight years ago.

Furthermore, for the first time in history, the population aged 70 and over has surpassed that of those aged 20 and over.

Our country is also on the verge of becoming a “super-aging society,” with 20% of the total population elderly.

There appears to be a warning sign for growth due to the severe low birth rate and aging population.

This news was brought to you by reporter Yoon Sol.

<2> This winter, highly pathogenic avian influenza, AI, finally spread to Anseong, Gyeonggi-do.

South Gyeonggi is the area with the highest concentration of laying hen farms in Korea, so tensions between quarantine authorities and farmers are higher than ever.

Quarantine authorities urged people to immediately report even mild symptoms such as decreased food intake or drowsiness.

This is reporter Seo Hyung-seok.

<3> Moran Market in Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, known as the largest dog meat distribution market in the country, is facing “retirement” due to the National Assembly’s approval of the Dog Eating Ban Law .

There are currently approximately 20 dog meat factories in operation.

The traders called for measures to be taken, saying that if they closed their businesses, their livelihood would be disastrous and that they would have no choice but to change jobs.

This was reported by journalist Kang Chang-gu.

<4> Squad leader Choi, who embezzled 4.6 billion won, the largest sum ever recorded, from the National Health Insurance Corporation and escaped two years ago, was arrested in the Philippines a year and four months later.

He is said to have lived a life of luxury, traveling to various islands and playing golf.

The police are tracking the money stolen by Team Leader Choi and are seeking repatriation to the country.

This is reporter Lee Sang-hyun.

<5> It was predicted that if China invaded Taiwan, Korea would suffer the second greatest economic damage after Taiwan.

It was expected to decline by 23.3% of GDP, taking a bigger hit than China, which was a party to the war.

A senior Chinese Communist Party official visiting the United States has sent a warning message to the United States, saying that the Taiwan issue is a red line that must not be crossed.

This is Washington correspondent Jeong Ho-yoon.

#Aging #AI #Moran’s Market #Escapist Drama #Taiwan Invasion

Questions and reports on Yonhap News TV articles: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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10/01/2024 19:36 Sent

#이슈5 #Severely #birth #rate #aging #population.. #Population #exceeding #20s