
The latest study reveals that 44% of 7 major carcinogens can prevent 26 anti-cancer foods by one |

According to statistics from the Department of Health, 29.2% of all registered deaths in 2020 were due to cancer. However, a recent study by the international medical journal “The Lancet” indicated that almost 44% of cancers can be prevented and published the 7 most common causes of cancer.

The study, published last month, analyzed statistics on 23 cancers and 34 risk factors in 204 countries between 2010 and 2019. The researchers found that of the approximately 10 million cancer deaths worldwide in 2019, 4.45 million attributable to known risk factors, accounting for 44.4% of the overall data. This means that more than 44% of cancers are actually preventable.

According to the report, the following are the seven most common causes of cancer: smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity (high BMI), unhealthy diet, unsafe sex, air pollution and high fasting blood sugar.


The study continued, for men, smoking is the biggest cause of cancer, accounting for 33.9% of the general population; followed by alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, air pollution, and obesity (high BMI), accounting for approximately 7.4% and 5.9%, respectively. , 4.4%, 4.3%.

For women, smoking is also the biggest cause of cancer, accounting for 10.7% of the total population; then unsafe sex, unhealthy diet, obesity (high BMI), and high fasting blood sugar, accounting for about 8.2%, 5.1%, 4.7%, 3.6%. The study also showed that approximately 50.6% of male patients and 36.3% of female patients who died of cancer in 2019 were related to the above preventable cancer risk factors.

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Christopher Murray, one of the co-authors of the study and director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said that smoking has always been considered one of the main causes of cancer worldwide. He emphasized that this study will help governments face cancer risk factors and strive to reduce cancer and death.

26 foods that fight cancer

Maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent cancer. The website of the American Institute for Cancer Research has stated that the following 26 foods can help prevent cancer, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc., you may want to eat more: apples, asparagus, blueberries, broccoli and cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts , carrots , cauliflower, cherries, coffee, cranberries, flax seeds, garlic, grapefruit, grapes, kale, oranges, beans, red mulberries, soybeans, spinach, pumpkin, chowder Pears, tea, tomatoes, walnuts, whole grains. online online