
The Light of the White Tower: Behind-the-Scenes Insights and Emotional Impact Shared by Shanghai Roadshow’s Top Creators

The Light of the White Tower Premieres in Shanghai with Director and Lead Actor Q&A Session

Shanghai, October 25 – The highly anticipated film, “The Light of the White Tower,” produced by Emei Film Group, had its grand roadshow and premiere at a cinema in Shanghai yesterday. The evening was graced by the presence of director Zhang Luhe and lead actor Huang Yao, who engaged in a lively discussion with the audience after the screening. The film is set to officially hit theaters on October 27.

Spectators were particularly intrigued by the film’s incorporation of the song “Beijing Welcomes You.” Director Zhang Lu explained, “We chose this song for a middle-aged class reunion scene. Such songs are usually uplifting and familiar to everyone. However, they inadvertently expose the bittersweet nostalgia of lost youth.”

Actress Huang Yao, nominated for this year’s Golden Rooster Award for her portrayal of Ouyang Wenhui, reflected on her acting journey during the Q&A session. Initially unsure about her character’s direction, Huang Yao eventually immersed herself in the role, fully trusting both her director and the character. As a result, she seamlessly embodied Ouyang Wenhui.

The film’s supporting cast, including Liu Chang, Li Zonghan, Fan Zhibo, Zhang Yuqi, Wang Yinan, and Jiang Shuying, also shared their personal movie-watching experiences. Liu Chang found solace in the film’s touching line “Can I hug you,” emphasizing its power to forge deep connections. Li Zonghan expressed admiration for the line “I can’t understand the world anymore,” highlighting its reflection on societal changes. Fan Zhibo was captivated by the film’s portrayal of Beijing, describing it as an authentic representation of her generation and emphasizing the joy of foolish love. Wang Yinan emotionally revealed that the class reunion scene resonated with her deeply, evoking feelings of longing and nostalgia. Jiang Shuying praised the film’s unique and heartfelt narrative style, elegantly conveying genuine emotions while appearing deceptively simple.

Original title: The movie “The Light of the White Tower” is released today (theme)

Shanghai Roadshow’s top creators share their creative experiences (subtitle)

Sichuan Daily News (Sichuan Daily All-Media Reporter Yu Rubo) On the evening of October 25, the film “The Light of the White Tower” produced by Emei Film Group had its biggest road show, and the film premiere was held in Shanghai in Shanghai . Cinema held. Director Zhang Luhe and lead actor Huang Yao communicated with the audience after the screening. The film officially hit theaters on the 27th.

In the road show, the film’s use of the song “Beijing Welcomes You” had piqued the interest of the audience. In this regard, director Zhang Lu explained, “This song appears in a class reunion of middle-aged people. In this situation, the songs that people sing are often familiar to everyone, in high in spirit, and they can encourage everyone, but After singing such a song, the sadness of the passing years of youth came to the fore.

Actor Huang Yao was nominated for this year’s Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress for her role as Ouyang Wenhui in the film. After the screening, she analyzed her mental journey of acting. She said that when she started acting she did not have a particularly clear vision for the role, and that the outline of the role was relatively vague, however, in the process of completely trusting the role and the director on set, she integrated into the role. The scene becomes Ouyang Wenhui.

Actors Liu Chang, Li Zonghan, Fan Zhibo, Zhang Yuqi, Wang Yinan, and Jiang Shuying also shared their movie-watching experiences on the spot. Liu Chang specifically mentioned that the phrase “Can I hug you” in the film comforted him a lot and made him feel the indispensable connection between people. Li Zonghan’s favorite line is “I can’t understand the world anymore.” This line made him lament the changes of the times. Fan Zhibo was also moved by the Beijing shown in the film, She felt that “The Light of the White Tower” captured the Beijing of her generation and made her feel that “being a fool in love is a particularly happy thing.” Wang Yinan tagged up and said she cried while watching the film, shedding tears about the feeling of “closeness and alienation, wanting to go back but not being able to go back” in the class reunion in the film. After watching “The Light of the White Tower”, Jiang Shuying said that the film’s narrative style is unique and eloquent, seemingly plain but full of true feelings.

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