
“The new government’s economic policy direction will be announced next week…Economic regulatory reform TF will be launched this month”

  • [추경호 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 후보자 ]
    The economic policy direction of the new government that will support private and corporate-led growth will be announced next week.

    A team dedicated to establishing economic regulatory innovation plans will be launched this month.

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance Choo Kyung-ho held a meeting of economic ministers today (9th) at the government complex in Sejong and said, “The Deputy Prime Minister of Economy will take the lead and the Task Force on Regulatory Innovation in the Economic Area, in which the economy ministers participate together, will be launched in June. I want to,” he said.

    Deputy Prime Minister Choo said, “Now, we need to boldly abolish regulations that hold back business activities.”

    “Our economy is facing a structural crisis of low growth and polarization,” he said.

    “We will improve the dynamism of the private sector by shifting the axis of economic operation to be centered on the private sector, the market, and the business, and we will promote structural reform in five sectors: public, labor, education, finance, and service.”