
The PAD, target of all attacks!

Dark Forces

One would have thought that the praise and resounding successes of the Autonomous Port of Douala (PAD), hailed by Cobac and consecrated by an A rating from the financial rating agency Bloomfield Investment, would have dissuaded the malevolent spirits from their disastrous design. But no ! Like a snake lurking in the shadows, the devious opposition persists in attacking in the shadows, seeking to tarnish the well-deserved reputation of the PAD.

Who is pulling the strings of this scheme? Who, in the shadows, seeks to undermine the very foundations of economic success? The PAD, a true crossroads of economic interests, inevitably attracts greed and conspiracies. From opportunistic investors to local and international mafias, everyone takes advantage of the flaws and weaknesses of the system to enrich themselves unduly.

The attacks against the reforms undertaken within the PAD are only the symptom of fierce resistance from the shadow forces. Like parasites in a healthy organism, they cling desperately to the status quo, fearing the loss of their illegitimately acquired privileges.

Cyrus Ngo’o, Director General of the Autonomous Port of Douala

This calculated adversity reveals a sneaky desire to overthrow the regime in place. But the PAD, like the CNPS and the Chantier navale in the past, remains a symbol of economic success under the governance of President Paul Biya. No offense to those who insist on denying the obvious: the PAD is the backbone of the Cameroonian economy, a pillar of resilience in an often tumultuous national and international context.


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