
“The Power of the Elderly” “Road Korea Party”… The aftermath of the People’s Power election, some 2030 party members ‘certified to leave the party’

picture explanationPeople’s Power Presidential Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon visits the Garak Agricultural and Fisheries Wholesale Market in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 6th and talks with a merchant of dried fish. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

Power of the People The aftereffects of the presidential election are showing signs of coming out.

When candidate Yoon Seok-yeol received overwhelming support in the People’s Power Party member vote and defeated Rep. Hong Jun-pyo to be elected as the presidential candidate, some of the 2030 Party members protested.

On the 6th, the People’s Power website bulletin board and online community are arguing over the results of the contest. One supporter of Candidate Yoon said in a post, “We need to change the regime as a team. The primary is over and we have to become a team. Now, let’s catch Daejang-dong’s body, Lee Jae-myung. It’s ‘Eo Dae-yoon’ (the president is Yoon Seok-yeol anyway).”

On the other hand, one supporter of Rep. Hong said, “I joined the party for Candidate Hong because we desperately need a change of government. Think about why the 2030 generation has turned their backs on the party. Now it will be difficult to win the hearts of the 2030 generation again. I am also leaving,” he wrote.

Some supporters of Hong’s 2030 generation expressed their anger by downgrading the people’s power to ‘the power of the elderly’, ‘power of the old people’, and ‘Road Korea Party’ after the election of Candidate Yoon, while writing a report on the Internet community to withdraw from the party. They are competing for ‘certification’ to publish.

It is argued that the middle-aged and elderly people in their 50s and over, who make up more than 65% of the party members, gave overwhelming support to Yoon in the party membership vote, and Hong, who is supported by the 2030 generation, was dropped out.

The withdrawal procedure is completed by receiving a notice of withdrawal from the People’s Power website and submitting it by fax to each provincial and provincial party.

Representative Lee Jun-seok met with reporters after having lunch with Yoon at a cafe in Mapo-gu on the same day and said, “In the primary election, candidates to support are different. .

“The support of the Uri Party of the 2030 generation is not something that can be appropriated by any specific person. I am confident that if candidate Yoon understands what the younger generation wants in the future and works hard, he will be able to dispel various concerns.”

[김승한 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]