
The price of the game is 12,000 yuan on Steam, and the developers are telling players not to buy it

Recently, a game called “The Hidden and Unknown” was launched on Steam, and the price was amazingly HK $ 12,000. However, the entire game is only 2 hours long. According to Steam’s refund policy, if players complete the game and refund within 2 hours, they can play this new game for free.

“The Hidden and Unknown” was developed by ThePro from Switzerland. ThePro said it hopes to reflect the value of “The Hidden and Unknown” through high pricing. ThePro does not want players to go into financial difficulties for buying “The Hidden and Unknown”, and does not encourage players to refund, so it is recommended that players who want to refund their purchases should not buy it.

“The Hidden and Unknown” is presented with an eight-minute scrolling subtitle in the style of “Star Wars” The story of the end. Currently, this game has only received three reviews on Steam, expressing “will buy again”, “10/10” and “worth every penny”.

Source: PC gamers Mewe Page :

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