
The price of the Saudi riyal today, Monday 2-19-2024, against the Egyptian pound in mid-trading

The price of the Saudi riyal stabilized today, Monday, February 19, 2024, against the Egyptian pound, at the beginning of buying and selling trades, so that the price of the Saudi riyal today recorded calm in the National and Central Bank and other banks.

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Monday 2-19-2024

Today, the price of the Saudi riyal in banks recorded stability in buying and selling trades, and according to recent bank updates, the price of the Saudi riyal witnessed stagnancy during the previous period. In the following report, we monitor the price of the Saudi riyal.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in the National Bank

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Monday 2-19-2024, against the Egyptian pound in mid-trading

The price of the Saudi riyal remained stable today, Monday, mid-day trading, and recorded 8.19 pounds in National Bank transactions for purchase and 8.22 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in Banque Misr

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Monday 2-19-2024, against the Egyptian pound in mid-trading

The price of the Saudi riyal has stabilized against the pound, amid a calm situation in which the price of the Saudi riyal has been experiencing since mid-2023 the previous year, and it was recorded in the Banque Misr at 8.19 pounds and 8.22 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in Egypt

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Monday 2-19-2024, against the Egyptian pound in mid-trading

Today, the price of the Saudi riyal recorded a complete calm in bank buying and selling prices, and it was recorded at the Cairo Bank at 8.19 pounds for purchase, and 8.22 pounds for sale.