
The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

settle down The price of the Saudi riyal Today, Thursday, March 7, 2024, following its rise yesterday in the Banque Misr at 12:45 pm, following the Central Bank’s decision to raise the interest rate by 600 basis points, the rise in the price of the Saudi riyal is the first since the middle of the previous year, and the following is The price of the Saudi riyal today against the pound, After being topped by search engines.

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3-7-2024

Today, the price of the Saudi riyal against the pound recorded stability after its new high. This movement in the price of the Saudi riyal is considered the first since the beginning of the current year, with the price of the Saudi riyal topping the Banque Misr, Al-Ahly, Cairo and Central Bank search engines “Google” since the moment the Central Bank announced it during its morning meeting yesterday. And his decision to raise the interest rate and the National Bank’s announcement of new certificates.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in the National Bank

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

The price of the Saudi riyal stabilized today at the National Bank against the Egyptian pound, after rising yesterday at 1:50 pm, to record 13.41 pounds for purchase, and 13.47 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in the Commercial International Bank

The price of the Saudi riyal stabilized today after the Central Bank announced an increase in the interest rate, which led to an increase in the price of the Saudi riyal and reached 13.4 pounds for purchase, and 13.49 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in Banque Misr

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

The price of the Saudi riyal moved in Banque Misr and recorded an increase in buying and selling prices yesterday, and its price in Banque Misr reached 13.43 pounds for purchase, and 14.48 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in Cairo Bank

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

Today, Thursday, March 7, 2024, the price of the Saudi riyal recorded calm following the new rise, and its price at the Cairo Bank reached 12.51 pounds for purchase, and 12.52 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal at the Bank of Alexandria

Today, the price of the Saudi riyal at the Bank of Alexandria was stable and reached 13.39 pounds for purchase, 13.44 pounds for sale.

Today’s price of the Saudi riyal in the Suez Canal Bank

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

The price of the Saudi riyal at the Suez Canal Bank increased after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate, bringing its buying price to 13.39 pounds and its selling price to 13.47 pounds.

The decision to raise interest rates by the central bank

The price of the Saudi riyal today, Thursday 3/7/2024, against the pound, after the Central Bank’s decisions to raise the interest rate

issued central bank Yesterday, Wednesday, Al-Masry issued a statement regarding its extraordinary meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, and the Monetary Policy Committee decided in its extraordinary meeting to raise the overnight deposit and lending rates and the Central Bank’s main operation rate by 600 basis points to reach 27.25%, 28.25%, and 27.75%. Respectively. The credit and discount rates were also raised by 600 basis points to reach 27.75%.