
The Pros and Cons of Kombucha: Is It Really a Healthy Drink?

When you think of kombucha, you get the impression that it is a healthy drink. However, we must also recognize that a drink cannot always be healthy for everyone.

Kombucha is a drink made by fermenting green or black tea with sugar and adding beneficial bacteria. It has a sour, sweet vinegar flavor, and thanks to the carbonation created during the fermentation process, you can experience a refreshing sensation like drinking a carbonated drink.

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The reason this drink may have health benefits is due to the fermentation process. Beneficial ingredients such as probiotics produced during fermentation strengthen immunity, improve digestion and promote gastrointestinal motility.

In addition, polyphenols, vitamins and glucuronic acid can remove free radicals that cause aging and disease and help detoxify and expel toxins from the body.

However, due to the strong acidity created during fermentation, kombucha poses a high risk of tooth decay if consumed and can cause heartburn if consumed in excessive amounts or on an empty stomach.

Also, since a small amount of alcohol is generated during fermentation, caution is needed when taking it to children or pregnant women. Additionally, the caffeine content of kombucha can vary depending on the type of tea brewed, so this point must also be kept in mind.

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