
The reason for the landlord’s death in his 20s?

◀ Anchor ▶

Reporter Park Jin-joon from the economic team covered this event with me.

Let’s tackle a few more questions.

Reporter Park died recently, the king of the villas, who owned 1,100 houses.

This time, the owner of the house died in his 20s Has the cause of death been revealed?

◀ Reporter ▶

Yes, the police closed the case with Song taking his own life.

I heard that there was a suicide note there, and I told my family and my boyfriend that it was difficult.

Song, who died, posted a photo of him happily drinking on his social media two days before his death.

It is known that there is no other special job, but word spread that it was a lot of money.

I personally visited the house where Mr. Song lived, and it was a shabby villa.

There is a doubt that Mr. Song, who produced the can charter, planned all this on his own.

◀ Anchor ▶

Ms Song was born in 1995 and is a 28-year-old woman, so I doubt she did it all by herself.

Tenants, what did you say?

◀ Reporter ▶

According to the tenants, the contract of sale and the contract of sale had been included by Mr. Song, but the phone number used at this time was different, and Mr. The phone rang well and the content of the call was irrelevant. clearly. I said yes.

Therefore, some tenants also suspect that there are other forces behind buying the house from Mr. Song, who died.

Doubts have been raised about whether there is a power behind villa king Kim Mo, who died after owning more than 1,000 villas earlier.

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Above all, I think the most important thing for tenants is whether they can receive deposit protection.

If you look at the report earlier, isn’t it a situation where the family has not disclosed their intention to inherit?

◀ Reporter ▶

Yes, if you inherit, you have to pay all the holding taxes, such as property tax and final real estate tax, but you cannot make up for it by selling a villa that has become cheap.

Mr. Song registered as a rental business, but did not buy a single rental business guarantee insurance that could guarantee the rental price.

Fortunately, there were about 40 cases where tenants voluntarily signed up for jeonse warranty insurance.

However, it is difficult to get a contract cancellation confirmation form from the landlord.

In addition, most chartered tenants live on a charter basis with bank loans, but as it takes a long time to receive security insurance funds, there are many cases where bank loans cannot be extended.

In the case of the recently deceased villa king, Mr. Kim, he registered for charter guarantee insurance, but after Mr. Kim’s death, the procedure for returning the deposit was suspended, and it was revealed that about 30 people were unable to receive the deposit. deposit.

◀ Anchor ▶

Reporter Park Jin-joon, I heard you well.

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