
The Rise and Fall of “Sor. King Star” Boxing Camp: From Olympic Gold to Abandonment

Check out the “Sor. King Star” boxing camp that used to produce “Somrak Khamsing” until he won the Olympic boxing gold medal. Most recently, it was closed and abandoned. Because there is no one to contact.

After Mr. Somrak Khamsing, former amateur boxing champion and Olympic gold medalist Become the subject of a scandal Make Somrak Mr. And his story in the past has once again received the attention of people in society.

Going back to the boxing camp that was famous in the past, S.King Star, which created Mr. Somrak Khamsing until he won the Olympic boxing gold medal. Currently closed and abandoned Because there is no one to contact. Recently, the news team traveled to what used to be S. King Star Boxing Camp, where in the past Somrak Khamsing used to practice boxing here, as did his close friend, Pakko.

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Inside the old boxing camp, it was found that there was a sign with the name of the boxing camp, number 115, Village No. 5. As for the sign on the front, it was written with the name of S. King Star Boxing Camp, Ref. , but the letters had almost decayed. Inside is a warehouse area. There were only 2 old boxing rings and kicking poles for boxing practice. Judging from its condition, it must have been deserted for at least 5 years.

On asking the local people, they learned that this boxing camp is owned by a person named Somwang Imkhamthun, former head of the S. King Star boxing camp and former president of the Northeastern Boxing Association. This camp was famous in the past. Because there are famous boxers and there is a live broadcast of Muay Thai. There are many people following. Later, this boxing camp closed for about 5-6 years because there was no one to take care of it and continue it. Because the owner is old

#Closed #left #Sor #King #Star #boxing #camp #produce #Somrak #PPTVHD36


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