
The Rise of Botox: The Safe, Effective, and Affordable Procedure Taking the Cosmetic Industry by Storm

The Principle of Plastic Surgery by Park Joon-kyu

Enter September 7, 2023, 14:25 – 112 Hits

Enter September 7, 2023, 14:25 – Edit – September 7, 2023, 15:44 – 112 Hits

Botox has emerged as the most popular, safe, effective, and cost-effective procedure in the field of cosmetic treatments. In the past, I had never considered getting Botox or any other facial procedure, but nowadays, Botox is being widely recognized as a viable option for preventing deep wrinkles. However, I still have concerns about the potential side effects and where to receive the treatment.

Botox is known for its safety and effectiveness.

When Botox first appeared, it revolutionized the field of plastic surgery. About 20 years ago, when I was studying plastic surgery, peeling was the go-to method for treating fine wrinkles.

Dermabrasion, a procedure that involves removing a thin layer of skin from the face, was often performed. However, this procedure was not without risks and discomfort for patients. As a result, there was a lack of effective procedures to treat fine wrinkles on the skin.

With just a few injections, Botox was able to effectively smooth out wrinkles, allowing patients to resume their daily lives naturally and immediately. The impact of this discovery on the medical community was significant. However, due to the high cost of the drug, Botox was initially seen as an expensive procedure.

Nowadays, with the decrease in drug prices and the increase in clinics offering Botox treatments, the competition has intensified, leading to a significant reduction in the cost of the procedure.

As a result, Botox has now become the most popular, safe, effective, and affordable procedure. It has become so popular that it is often said that “once you start Botox, there’s no turning back.”

While there are various skin procedures available, none can match the affordability, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of Botox. It truly deserves the title of “king of procedures.”

Cosmetics and skincare products may provide some benefits to the skin, but none can rival the cost-effectiveness of Botox. It has become a popular choice among individuals and even families seeking to maintain their youthful appearance.

Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles responsible for wrinkles, effectively smoothing them out. By regularly receiving Botox before wrinkles become deep, individuals can even prevent long-term wrinkles.

As a plastic surgeon, I understand that some of my colleagues tend to look down on injectable procedures. However, Botox is an exception that no plastic surgeon can ignore. Although I mainly perform surgeries, I highly recommend Botox to my acquaintances without hesitation.

However, fear remains the biggest obstacle for many considering Botox. The idea of receiving injections can be intimidating, and worries about potential side effects can be a deterrent.

When performed by a skilled surgeon, the risk of side effects or undesirable results from Botox treatment is rare. The misconception of stiff and unnatural-looking faces associated with Botox is largely unfounded.

If you are unsure about where to receive Botox treatment, I would suggest starting with the “glabellar botox” procedure. This procedure primarily targets the brow wrinkles known as corrugator muscles that form vertical lines in the glabellar region. The corrugator muscle is responsible for frowning, and relaxing it not only smooths out vertical wrinkles but also alleviates frown lines and discomfort associated with frowning.

In addition, glabellar Botox can also improve forehead wrinkles by reducing the need for forehead lifting, as weakening the muscle responsible for pulling down the forehead and eyebrows can have a positive effect on forehead wrinkles. It has also been found to provide relief for migraines and depression in some studies.

Despite its benefits, glabellar Botox is considered relatively challenging among the various types of wrinkle treatment with Botox. Some individuals may complain of heavy eyebrows after the procedure, but this should not be the case when performed correctly. Heavy eyelids, puffy eyes, or loose double eyelids are avoidable side effects caused by operator error, rather than inherent to the treatment itself.

If you have experienced any of these side effects, I recommend considering a change in treatment location. These effects are not inevitable and can be prevented by choosing a skilled and experienced practitioner.

[박준규의 성형의 원리]

Enter 2023.09.07 14:25 Hits 112 Enter 2023.09.07 14:25 Edit 2023.09.07 15:44 Hits 112

Today, Botox has become the most popular procedure that is safe, effective, and even cheap. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]“I’ve never had Botox. I have never done anything like that on my face before. But these days, they say Botox is fine. There is a story that it is good to receive Botox regularly before deep wrinkles, and I want to try it … Once I get hit, I wonder if I have to keep getting hit, and for some because I’m scared and worried about the side effects, and I don’t even know where to get hit.”

Botox is a very safe and effective procedure.

When Botox first appeared, it was almost a ‘revolution’. About 20 years ago, when I was learning plastic surgery, peeling was often done to get rid of fine wrinkles.

Dermabrasion involves removing a single thin layer of skin from the face, which is not unusual for patients. That is why there was no procedure to straighten the fine wrinkles on the skin.

With just a few injections, the wrinkles were effectively smoothed out, and they managed to return to daily life naturally and immediately. The shock that the doctors felt at the time was considerable. However, due to the high price of the drug, the image of an ‘expensive procedure’ was great at first.

Now, drug prices have dropped significantly, and there are many places that offer Botox treatment, so the competition is fierce, so the price of the treatment has also dropped significantly.

Because of this, Botox has now become the most popular procedure that is safe, effective, and even cheap. As a common expression, it can be said that ‘people who have never received Botox, but there is no one who has only been given once.’

There are a number of skin procedures available, but none are more affordable, effective, or cheaper than Botox. He deserves to be called the king of procedures.

Cosmetics and nutritional supplements that are good for the skin cannot follow Botox in terms of cost-effectiveness. Botox is definitely one of the treatments that family members do without hesitation.

Botox works by paralyzing the muscles that create wrinkles, loosening them. Wrinkles get deeper over time, so getting regular Botox before they get deep can even prevent long-term wrinkles.

Plastic surgeons are basically people who ‘do surgery’, so they tend to look down on various procedures including injections. However, no plastic surgeon ignores Botox.
I also have surgery as my main job, so I don’t do many botox procedures, but it’s a similar reason why I’m releasing a story that is close to ‘complimentary’ about botox. Personally, I recommend that my acquaintances do not hesitate to start botox immediately.

However, the biggest obstacle would be ‘fear’. It’s a bit cumbersome to get an injection, and I’m worried about side effects.

When performed by a skilled surgeon, side effects or awkward results from a Botox treatment are rare. Some people vaguely think of awkward and stretched faces when they hear Botox, but most of these are not side effects of Botox.

If you want to start botox, but don’t know where to get it, so if you have to choose just one procedure, we would choose ‘glabellar botox’.

The main action of Glabellar Botox is to relax the brow wrinkles (corrugator muscles) which create vertical wrinkles in the shape of the Naecheon character in the glabellar region. The glabellar muscle is the facial expression muscle that expresses pain by frowning. Because of this, Glabellar Botox not only works to smooth vertical wrinkles, but also softens frown lines and relieves painful ones.

[사진 출처=International Textbook of Aesthetic Surgery, Springer]The corrugator muscle not only frowns, but also acts to pull the forehead and eyebrows down. If the force that pulls the forehead and eyebrows down with Glabellar Botox is weakened, the need to lift the forehead is reduced, so it also has the effect of improving forehead wrinkles without receive Botox on the forehead. There are also many studies that showed improvement in migraines or depression.

It is said to be a ‘toxin’ to the eyebrows.

However, among the wrinkle botox, the level of difficulty is relatively high. Maybe that’s why some people complain that their eyebrows have become heavy with Botox. However, this is a bit odd. This is because, if performed properly, problems such as heavy eyelids or forehead, puffy eyes, or loose double eyelids should not occur with Glabellar Botox.

If this has happened to you, we recommend that you consider changing the location of the treatment. This is because it is not an inevitable side effect caused by the difference in each patient’s skin, but an avoidable side effect caused by the operator.

#Glabellar #Botox #reduces #migraines..