
The Rise of Chung TV: Director Kim Seon-tae’s Innovative Approach to Political Communication

Director Kim Seon-tae, who runs the “Chung TV” channel at Chungju City Hall in northern Chungcheong Province, poses before an interview with this newspaper in March 2023. /Journalist Shin Hyeon-jong

Regarding the promotion of the new policy that will be implemented starting from the 9th of this year, President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “The young official in charge of public relations for Chungju City created a YouTube channel called ‘Chung TV’ and promoted politics in a new and entertaining way, so the number of subscribers is said to be more than double the population of Chungju.” “This type of innovation is necessary,” he said.

At the cabinet meeting this day, President Yoon said: “Creating and announcing good policies is not the end, but the beginning,” and added: “I hope you will take responsibility until the end, so that the policies work well in the future.” field and people can feel the change.

Chungju City Public Relations Officer Kim Seon-tae (36) manages Chungju City’s official YouTube channel, “Chung TV.” He was responsible for editing, filming, planning, casting and appearances, and the video using B-grade sensitivity became a hot topic online.

Just five years after the channel opened, Chung TV’s subscriber count surpassed 500,000, which is more than double the population of Chungju (about 207,700), and currently stands at 556,000.

President Yoon said, “Starting this year, many new policies will be implemented that will directly benefit people,” and mentioned things like “increasing parents’ salary to 1 million won,” “l ‘expansion of the Neulbom School’ and ‘the introduction of the K Pass starting in May.’

He said: “However, no matter how good a policy is, if people don’t know much about it and don’t benefit from it, the policy is practically non-existent.” carefully consider from people’s perspective what information to include and how to deliver it to people.”

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