
The Rise of Streaming: A Challenge for the Movie Theater Business

Back in the day, going to the movie theater was the main way to watch new films. However, with advanced technology, streaming platforms have emerged, allowing people to watch movies and series at their convenience. This shift has revitalized and transformed the movie industry and the behavior of movie lovers worldwide. As the world recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, movie theaters are facing the challenge of rebuilding confidence and attracting audiences back to the big screen. Streaming platforms offer the convenience of watching movies at home, providing privacy and comfort. Netflix, HBO Go, Disney+ Hot Star, LINE TV, and True ID are some popular streaming platforms that cater to different preferences and offer various subscription packages. On the other hand, movie theaters like Major Cineplex Group have adapted to the changing landscape by marketing their offerings and showcasing a mix of foreign and Thai films. They also plan to expand their number of theaters and maximize revenue from ticket sales and other businesses like popcorn sales. Watching movies in theaters offers a unique experience that cannot be replicated through streaming, including the opportunity to watch new releases, enjoy special effects, immerse in quality sound systems, and focus solely on the movie. Ultimately, both movie theaters and streaming platforms play important roles in fulfilling the diverse needs and preferences of movie lovers.

Although I went back More than ten years ago Culture and behavior for watching a new film The main channel, or almost the only channel, is buying a ticket to reserve a seat in a movie theatre.

But with the advent of advanced technology This has made watching films ‘develop’ and many people have come to know and understand the series. or movies via Streaming (streaming). Pay the subscription fee and watch the movies you like. Come and watch series that are not available on digital TV. and has not been shown in movie theaters making the movie industry including the behavior of people who like to watch movies around the world Revived and changed a lot from the original.

So, it’s a challenge for the movie theater business again. After the world slowly recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, it’s a problem for the movie theater business. while building confidence Calling people to come back and buy movie tickets again. Because of the convenience of ‘streaming’ at home. You can lie down and rub your belly and eat popcorn. No need to crowd around and wait to buy tickets. and watching movies with others Provides maximum privacy and convenience.

Popular platform! streaming movies The arch contender is from ‘cinema’

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?


The world’s number 1 video streaming platform. Every period there will be new series or content to excite in Thailand.

by Netflix Company Major US movie streaming service providers Disclosed 2/2023 quarterly profit with earnings per share in 2nd quarter 2023 at a level of 3.29 dollars, which is higher than the target. and much higher than what analysts expected. That shows that the Streaming business is reaching and meeting the needs of movie lovers to the fullest.

Currently, there are 4 types of Netflix packages: mobile package 99 baht per month, basic package 279 baht per month, standard package 349 baht per month, premium package 419 baht per month. New subscribers see Free for the first 30 days (packages can be changed at any time)

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?


A platform from the giant American telecommunications company ‘AT&T’ announced that Warner Media will merge, providing service in Thailand at the end of 2020 with a service charge of 149 baht per month and for those using the 3BB home internet service, paying only 39 baht more. baht, with free viewing for 7 days after application (packages can be changed at any time)

Disney+ hot star

An application that brings together entertainment from ‘Walt Disney’ (The Walt Disney Company) and leading entertainment producers in Asia. The package was changed on June 29, 2023 as follows.

mobile phone package (Packages can be changed at any time)
– 99 baht per month / 799 baht per year
– Create up to 7 profiles.
– Can stream on 1 screen, mobiles and tablets only.
– Screen casting is not supported.
– HD maximum resolution (720p)
– Highest sound quality, stereo


A platform that Thai people should be familiar with, LINE TV has defined itself as the ‘King of Thai Content’ as it currently has dramas, series, sitcoms, movies, cartoons, variety shows, as well as more than 1,000 original content from partners More than 250 cases, the highlight of which is Watch for free, no costs (packages can be changed at any time)

Real ID (Real ID)

It is an operator platform and can also be viewed without limits, but True ID has a different feature than AIS Play as it has ‘Premier League’ sports to watch. Of course, only certain matches can be watched for free. And you can rent premium movies for 149 baht or use True Points to redeem to watch them. The new movies in True ID are coming very quickly. But there are also free movies. Including original content. (Packages can be changed at any time)

Come back to tell history Let’s continue with the ‘movie theater business’.. because fans will think the administrators are cheering one side or the other, but really, we want to summarize. and noted that the movie theater business and the Mae movie streaming platform have changed with the times. And there is a strategy or method. Both have improved their services. Continuously respond to consumer satisfaction and a movie-consuming lifestyle.

If we talk about ‘film theater business’, the name we are familiar with is Major Cineplex Group Public Company Limited. The company has revealed The results of the 2nd quarter of 2023 are as follows:

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

• The company generated total revenue of 2,283 million baht, an increase of 39% from the same period last year.
• Total income is 1,639 million baht.
• Net profit of 532 million baht (growing from the second quarter of 2022 with a net profit of 131 million baht)

There are also businesses in the movie theater chain ‘Major Cineplex Group’ which generate a satisfactory income, such as
• Popcorn business 654 million baht
• Advertising media business 244 million baht
• Bowling business 102 million baht
Business space for rent 63 million baht
• and income from films (Film Content) 42 million baht

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

Strategy to grab moviegoers – save money from ‘Major Cineplex Group’

• By ‘Major Cineplex Group’ marketing heavily. Compress advertising content or films that attract customers back to watch films. This year (2023) over 199 foreign films are shown, and 50 Thai films are shown.

• Major Cineplex has a mission to produce 20 Thai films for viewers a year, pushing Thai films to 50% of the market share from the current 27% and foreign films to take up to 73%, which is in the second half of the year Thai Movies scheduled to be shown such as Man Suang, Post Office 4 Worlds, 14 Again, Tee Yot, Isaan Zombie, 4 Kings 2, etc.

• For the near future business plan, Major Cineplex plans to expand its movie theaters to 1,200 theaters by 2030, covering both domestic and international markets.

• This year (2023) Major Cineplex has invested more than 600 million baht to open 8 movie theaters, 40 movie theaters. In summary, Major Cineplex Group currently has movie theaters open to services Total: 178 branches, 825 theaters, divided into

– In Thailand, there are 169 branches, 779 theaters.

– Abroad, there are 9 branches, 46 theatres, including:
1) In Lao PDR, there are 3 branches, 13 plants.
2) In Cambodia, there are 6 branches, 33 plants.

• Another money making business from Major Cineplex is ‘Popcorn’ which generates income and has a high chance of growing every year.

• And the format for selling movie tickets, where the company continues to expand sales channels inside the movie theater (In Cinema) and outside the movie theater (Out Cinema) in order to drive revenue to account for 50% of current movie ticket revenue Maximize money 64%

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

What do you get from watching movies in theaters that have ‘no’ streaming!?

1. Watch new movies.

2. Experiences that must be seen only in the theatre, such as watching 3D, 4D films, effects that must be experienced in the theatre, or chairs that recline to 180 degrees, very satisfying, and etc.

3. Watch movies on the big screen Quality sound system

4. Actually concentrating on watching the movie without paying attention to anything for 2-3 hours.

5. Some films It was shown in theaters only.

6. There is no need to hide and watch pirated movies secretly. or find illegal downloads

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

What a temple! VS movie theater business streaming: what kind of movie lovers like to watch?

Seriously, watching movies is considered one of every person’s LifeStyle. There is no one who is better than the other because the administrator believes that there are many people who watch movies in the theater and in the cinema. and subscribe to the streaming platform, also known as Du Maem! Both formats are gone.

Watching movies is a form of relaxation that is a way of life and a hobby. It’s a pleasure to digest stories. The content reflects a view of life or a fantasy that is beyond our imagination. Give the full experience of love, fun, disappointment, warmth, inspiration, fear, etc. These things make watching movies. Come be another way to find happiness in people’s lives in every moment.

And how do you like to watch movies?

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